Chapter 26

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A Closer Walk with Thee

Papercuts. When someone gets a papercut, it's often that they don't realise straight away that it's there. Something as simple as using hand sanitiser can be the reminder of the cut. It makes the pain so sudden and hurt so much even though a second before that, the person had no idea the cut even existed. Healing can be exactly like that.

Sometimes you don't even know there's a part of you that's still hurt until something comes along that forces you to become aware of it. Forcing you to deal with it. Sometimes you postpone healing because the sudden pain is too overwhelming. It's a scary feeling but you have to face it. When we postpone healing we usually procrastinate to distract ourselves and it's unhealthy. The only way to solve our struggles and problems are by facing it no matter what. It won't end unless we face it and the longer we postpone, the longer we lose ourselves.

With a sharp gasp, Klaus awakens from yet another horrifying dream, possibly the worst one yet. His hands tightly grip the sheets around him as he attempts to calm his ragged breathing. Closing his eyes he isn't greeted with the usual darkness, instead visions of the dream; walking towards the coffin hand in hand with Lola, everything seemed fine until one minute Lola is clutching her throat, gasping for breath as blood flowed from a slash against her throat. Cries from a baby within the coffin and once Klaus opened it, he felt excruciating pain from white oak being stabbed through his back into his heart by no other than Mikael.

Laying on his back, Klaus continues to inhale sharp breaths before he runs his hand through his hair staring up at the ceiling. His eyes widen when he turns to the side, expecting to see Lola but instead greeted with the bed being empty. He sits up straight in the bed as he begins to panic, "Lola?" But he's greeted with almost silence, the only thing that can be heard is the soft notes of jazz playing in the corner of the room, something Lola suggested may have made Klaus' dreams stop with his mind focusing on the music.

He rushes to the bathroom, empty. Klaus opens up the doors leading to the adjoined living room which is also greeted with emptiness, "Lola!" Klaus rushes into various rooms of the compound before he breathes out a pent up breath that felt like he held onto ever since he woke up as he sees Lola sitting crossed legged in a room downstairs reading through a book. She looks over to him, completely oblivious from Klaus' panic as he steps closer, "What are you doing?"

Lola shrugs, she glances down at the book against her lap, "I couldn't sleep so thought I'd just come in here because I didn't want to wake you, and—" She is interrupted when Klaus sits beside her, crashing his lips against hers. His hands are against her cheeks, fearing if he lets go this exact moment will be a dream. Lola pulls away, a hint of smile yet looks completely stunned, "What was that for?"

"I thought—" Klaus swallows harshly, closing his eyes tight but can still see the visions from the dream. A shaky breath falls from his lips as he opens his eyes looking directly at Lola, "I love you. I've realised I've not said that enough to you over the last couple of months." A sad smile graces his lips, eyes become glossy as he pushes stray hairs away from Lola's face, "I love you more than anything."

Lola brows knit with concern, she throws the book on her lap onto the floor before one hand takes hold of Klaus' and the other rests against his cheek, "I know you do and I love you. What's brought all of this on?"

Klaus bows his head, he shakes his head as he stands up from the sofa heading straight towards the bar, "It was nothing."

"Come on, Nik." Lola sighs as she stands up from the sofa, her eyes are flooded with concern as she steps closer to him, "That wasn't nothing, you rushed in here as though you've just seen a ghost. Now it's seven in the morning and you're drinking bourbon. What happened in the dream?"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 || 𝖿𝗈𝗋𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗒𝗈𝗎Where stories live. Discover now