Chapter 20

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Long Way Back from Hell

Flashback - New Orleans, 1919:

It was hard to see the floor in the bustling jazz club planted right in the middle of the liquor capital of America. The sound of jazz could be heard from blocks away, the cheering and laughter from the crowds was something that would be spoken about in decades to come. A kaleidoscopic carnival of people spilled into this club, getting roaring drunk on the last of the city's liquor. Morals became loose, crowds would dance their night away along to the blues and ragtime forms of jazz.

Klaus sits beside Lola at their usual table in the bar, as he sits he softly kisses her cheek but her glare doesn't leave a table in the middle of the bar. His eyes follow her glare to see Rebekah laughing along with another woman. Klaus chuckles slightly, leaning back in the booth seat, "You're jealous, love."

Lola jumps out of her thoughts, at first not even realising Klaus is now sitting beside her. She shrugs as she takes hold of her drink, "Jealous of what?" She catches Klaus' amused grin when he gestures towards the table Rebekah is sitting at with an over friendly looking red head. Lola scoffs, glancing between the table and Klaus, "That? I'm not jealous at all."

"What's that on your cheek?" Klaus frowns slightly as he grazes his hand across Lola's cheek. He receives a confused stare from Lola as she too swipes her hand across her cheek but nothing rubs onto her hand. He smirks as he leans closer to her, "Looks like a hint of green for your envy of Rebekah's new friendship."

Lola rolls her eyes, bringing her drink up to her lips, "I've got nothing to be jealous about. That's not even a friendship, it's mediocre. She is just another one of Rebekah's playthings that will only last a short while." Lola scoffs, harshly placing her drink onto the table in front of them before glaring back towards the pair, "Rebekah has only befriended her because she is acting out due to me refusing to join her helping the sick."

"I've never seen you this jealous before." Klaus moves closer to his love, his hand slowly grazing up the bare skin of her leg before finding a place on her thigh just beneath the hem of her dress as he wears a playful smirk, "Is it odd that I feel envious that this jealousy isn't directed at me in any way shape or form?"

"Because I'd like to think that you know better." Lola moves her hand up Klaus' chest, she sends shivers up his spine as her hand grazes across his neck before pulling him closer to her by his shirt collar, "You know what happened last time."

Klaus has known from the start he wanted to spend the rest of his immortality with Lola, nothing would ever question his intention to do so. There were many things that drew the Original towards her; her beauty, her bright smile, infectious laugh, even her frequent stubbornness made him want her more. And yet, one night when a worthless nobody poorly attempted flirting with Klaus, Lola had it end with an immediate stop by compelling the woman to join a religious community to become a nun. From that moment onwards, Klaus fell even harder for Lola; seeing that she won't let anything end the unique bond they both share, just as much as he would make sure nothing would end it either.

A low rumbled chuckle escapes Klaus, "I certainly do." His lips brush against Lola's before they hover at the side of her face, "I remember how it ended as well."

Lola's smile is broad, her eyes close as she feels Klaus' lips against her skin. His lips travel down to the nape of her neck, the feeling of his lips and breath against Lola's skin makes it almost impossible to not pull him elsewhere and allow him to continue all over her body. The butterflies swarm around the pit of her stomach as Klaus' grip against her thigh tightens, his teeth nip at her skin and just when she is about to pull Klaus somewhere else a voice catches her attention,

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 || 𝖿𝗈𝗋𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗒𝗈𝗎Where stories live. Discover now