Chapter 24: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

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As they made their plans, Kirishima got a call from none other than Izuku Yagi.

"G-Guys, it's Izuku."  Kirishima said, shocking everyone.

"You should answer.  He may still be suspicious of you."  Fatgum said, to which Kirishima nodded.

"Hello?"  Kirishima said, answering the phone.

"Hey Kirishima, it's the one and only."  Izuku said, answering the phone.

"H-Hey sir, great to hear from you.  All of a sudden.  Our of nowhere.  How did you get my number?"  Kirishima asked, to which Izuku laughed.

"Kacchan gave it to me.  Also, you can just call me Izuku, I don't like the formalities amongst my friends."  Izuku said, slightly calming Kirishima down.

"Right, that makes sense.  What can I do for you?"  He asked.

"I just called to give you a heads-up to tell you the next couple of targets.  Dabi and Compress have successfully captured Monoma.  To make sure that he doesn't get away, he's been compressed, and placed in a box which is protected by one of my Nomu.  They're currently heading through the shadowy remains of Kamino, and I want you with them incase some heroes attack.  You understand?"  Izuku asked him.

Once that was said, about 35 heroes and students went out to save Monoma, in hopes of saving him before they got away.

"Anything else?"  Kirishima asked.

"Yes, then we're gonna send out the majority of our numbers to the other schools that heroes are hiding in.  We don't want U.A having any backup when it's their turn."  Izuku said, scaring Kirishima.

This comment scared the heroes very much.  What comforted them though was that Nezu was already making plans to send help to the schools.

"And when is U.A's turn?  Sorry if I'm being invasive."  Kirishima apologized.

"No no, it's alright, you need to be filled in so it's good that you're asking questions.  U.A will be invaded this time next week.  If all goes to plan, we will have everything set up by then.  It's important that we get Master out at the very same time so that the heroes are spread thinner than they already will be."  Izuku said, shocking All Might and Izumi.

'A-All For One.'  All Might said to himself, thinking of the damage that could be done if he and Izuku fought together.

'He's going to break All For One out.  Already?  No, this is too soon.  As powerful as Izuku has become, not even he would be prepared to do all that at once.  He's covering up something else.  But what?  Those robots are everywhere, so there's no need to hide them.  Does he have another trump card that needs time to work?  Wait.  If he IS trying to cover up something to throw US off, then that means that he. . . no.'  Izumi thought, realizing something.

"R-Right, anything else?"  Kirishima asked.

"That's it for now.  I'll keep you posted.  Just keep doing whatever it is you're doing now bud.  Bye bye."  Izuku said, hanging up.

"Guys, he's faking it!"  Izumi shouted, surprising the heroes.

"What do you mean?"  Inko asked.

"Izuku is powerful, but he's also very smart.  He wouldn't take even the smallest risk of planning an attack on the top heroes hiding in U.A, and breaking into Tartarus at the same time, right after attacking multiple other schools and bunkers that hold multiple other heroes.  He's trying to throw us off to buy himself some time."  Izumi said, surprising the others.

"Trying to throw us off or not, it's a heroes duty to be there to stop a villain.  Which means taking no risks of letting someone get hurt to help ourselves.  What would happen if he really was planning on breaking All For One out and invading U.A at the same time, and we're not prepared?  We must take these precautions."  Star and Stripe explained, as the others nodded.

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