Chapter 3: His Beginning

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"Good. And what about you two?" AFO asked.

"I dont know." Shoto said.

"Yeah, I'm not sure." Mizuki said.

"Just think about the worlds current heroes for a moment. Shoto, you are a victim of an abusive father, who is seen as the number two hero. He's at fault for the death of your brother, your mother being put in a psychiatric hospital. Do you really want to follow in his footsteps, and only be known as "Endeavors Son"?" AFO asked.

Shoto began to think of what he was saying, and realized he spoke only the truth.

"I guess not. I've always wanted to be a hero without using his quirk." Shoto said.

"Well then, how about you go the extra mile, and destroy his career with it? And Mizuki. What about your sister? She was used by the hero association to get rid of small time villains and corrupt heroes. Yet when she wanted out, she wasnt allowed, and was forced to kill one more person to end it all, and was thrown in Tartarus. She wanted to be a hero, and was treated like a villain. It's only a matter of time before your treated the same way." AFO said.

"I guess your right." She said.

"Then stick with me. And I will help you get your revenge on the people who have done you wrong. Shoto, I will help you get revenge back on your father, and Mizuki, I will help in freeing your sister. What do you say?" AFO asked.

After some more thinking, Shoot gave him his answer.

"I'm in." Shot said.

And then, Mizuki gave her answer.

"I'm in too." Mizuki said.

"Perfect. Now, I wish to speak with Izuku alone please. You two wait here and we will return." AFO said.

As he said that, the goop began to encase Izuku, but Izuku has already gotten used to it, so he didn't react as much. When the sludge subsided, he found himself in another room with a nice fire, two fancy chairs and a few candles lighting up around the room.

"Now then Izuku. Please take a seat." AFO said from one of the seats.

Izuku sat down from across AFO, and he began to speak.

"So what is you were wanting to talk to me about?" Izuku asked.

"Well, your going to need some help with searching for quirks and a means to defend yourself. So I wish to give you your first quirks." AFO said.

"Really?" Izuku asked in a hopeful voice.

"Of course. Think of me as a father who will be purchasing your very first drink." AFO said.

"Alright then father." Izuku said.

They both began to chuckle at the little jokes they were making.

"You know, back when I was at the top of the world, people who followed me used to refer to me as father. So, I don't mind you calling me that. But anyways, the quirks I will be giving you shall be discreet, and must blend in with your family. So, the first quirk I will be giving you is a sensory quirk. It will allow you to scan peoples quirks so that you would know if you want them or not." AFO said.

"Knowing is key." Izuku said.

"Indeed it is my boy. And the second quirk will be a barrier quirk." AFO said as he gave him and example.

"  AFO said as he gave him and example

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