Chapter 1: The Start

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"Sorry kid, it ain't gonna happen."  The doctor said to a young Izuku.

"Are you sure?"  Inko asked.

"I am very sure, Mrs. Yagi."  The doctor said.

The doctor went on to explain how they are able to tell who is and who is not quirkless, and then went on to explain that her son was a part of the 20% of the population that were quirkless.

"And what of Izumi?"  Toshinari asked.

"Ah yes, your daughter.  Luckily, she will have a pretty powerful quirk.  It's a telekinetic quirk, a more powerful version of yours Mrs. Yagi.  If trained properly, she will become a great hero like you."  The doctor said.

"You here that Izumi?  You've got mommy's quirk."  Inko said.

Izumi was happy that she got a good quirk, but she was also upset that her brother didn't have one.  She was also scared of what would happen if he tried to still be a hero.  As they were leaving, the doctor asked to speak to Izuku for a moment, to which the parents agreed without hesitation.

"Hey, young boy.  I apologize for what I said about you being quirkless, but it was for your own safety."  The doctor said.

"W-what do you mean?"  Izuku asked.

"Your not actually quirkless, but, giving the fact your mother is one of the top ten heroes, it may be something you want to keep hidden."  The doctor said.

"W-what is my quirk?"  Izuku asked.

"Your quirk is called All For One.  I am unsure how you got it, but you have it.  It allows you to steal, use, combine and give quirks.  I've only seen this quirk once before, and it would seem you have a different strain.  A more, powerful, strain.". The doctor said.

A quirk that takes quirks.  A quirk that would be the embodiment of villainy.  It's no wonder the doctor hid it.  And now Izuku would have to do the same thing for the rest of his life.

'Poor Izuku.  What am I gonna do?'  Izumi asked.

~~~~~T.S Next Day~~~~~

My parents haven't spoke to me since they found out I apparently had no quirk.  And Izumi just looked at me with pity.  I ended up having to walk to school today.  My parents drove off to bring Izumi to school before I was dressed, which made my life even harder.

--Izumi's POV--

"Hey Izumi!"  A blonde girl shouted.

"Hey Katsumi.  Hey guys."  Izumi said.

"Hmm, you sound upset.  Is something wrong?"  A dark and white haired girl asked.

"Yeah?  Did you get your quirk?"  A blonde boy asked.

"I got my quirk, it's like my mom's but stronger."  She said.

"Then why do you sound sad?"  A dark and white haired boy asked.

"Because Izuku didn't get his.  He's gonna be quirkless."  Izumi said.

The group of kids were shocked at what she had said.  The one in the group that aspired to be a hero more than any of them, was quirkless.

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