Chapter 21: You Don't Need Power to Have Power

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And so, Izuku and his team waited for 2 weeks.  During this time, Izuku worked on making a permanent form of his strength enhancers.  It would take some personal sacrifices, probably even his humanity, but it would be the right price to pay to make a world of true equality.  After the 2 weeks were up, Prime Minister Kojuro called for a public conference.  The next day, every hero in Japan, along with hundreds of civilians had shown up, with hero students and others watching on the TV.  Kojuro looked at the scared and confused faces for a moment, before finally speaking.

"I thank you all for coming here on such short notice.  I have called for this conference, to discuss the recent attacks."  Kojuro said, with a lot of the civilians yelling to him about how he took his time.

"Please, calm yourselves.  I know, I was slow to act.  But I had a reason.  For years, heroes have protected us from those seen as villains.  They've watched over us, day in, day out.  Unfortunately, with the recent issues involving All Might, with his son, and with his quirk growing weaker by the day, as well as the liability of heroes, I believe that it's time for some changes.  Changes that I will not be installing into our system."  Kojuro said, first angering the audience, heroes included, but then confusing them as to what he meant.

"These attacks have no pattern.  We see no reason as to why they are attacking.  They're not attacking any big hero related buildings like U.A or Tartarus, which makes us think that they are just a bunch of criminals who came together with some strange non thought out plan.  Well, in order to defeat a villain, we will need to bring in someone who I once thought of as a villain.  It will take some time for you all to get used to this change, heroes especially, but please keep in mind that I only have Japans best interests in heart and mind.  That being said, please welcome the young man who will lead us into our new way of living together in peace.  He can install connections with these groups, make real deals that will buy the safety of the people, the son of All Might and Telekat, All For One's protégé, Izuku Shigaraki!"  Kojuro shouted, backing away from the podium.

A few seconds later, Izuku walked out from the shadows and walked up to the podium.  He looked at the shocked faces for a moment, before all the heroes present went in to attack him.  He simply activated the Hydra and Air Wall quirk, pushing all the heroes back.

"Please calm down people!"  Izuku shouted to them, quieting them all.

"What is this about!?  What are you planning!?"  All Might called.

"I'm fixing the problems that you cannot.  Sit down."  Izuku said.

"I will not take orders from you villain!"  All Might shouted, having been pushed for all the things he thought Izuku did recently.

"Mizuki."  Izuku said into his ear piece.

A second later, a bullet shot into All Might's neck, deactivating his quirk.  He pulled the bullet from his neck, and saw it was a quirk erasing drug.

"Don't worry, it's temporary.  My own recreation, and the best part is, no children were harmed in the making.  Now, sit down."  Izuku said, to which All Might hesitantly obeyed.

"Now, let's start things over.  My name is Izuku Shigaraki, and I'm in charge now."  Izuku said, angering the heroes.

"We know who you are villain!  What is your motive for these attacks!?"  Woods shouted, to which the other heroes present nodded in agreement.

"I'm flattered that you would think that I am on the level of amassing and causing such great team work among simple minded idiots, I truly am, but I'm actually here to help you."  Izuku said.

"Help us with what?"  Midnight asked.

"What do you think granny?  These attacks.  You guys currently suck at your jobs, I mean seriously.  Look, wind the clocks back 6 months ago.  Heroes were loved and adored all over Japan.  TV shows, interviews, merchandise, Christmas Cover Albums, you had it all.  Where did that go?  What happened that would give reason for your new found sloppy work?"  Izuku asked, looking around.

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