Chapter 20: Rising Challenges

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(Spoilers for future chapters)

"What do you think he plans on doing next?  He's got a powerful team, his quirk is back and fully functioning, and he has Eri.  For all we know he'll probably go and break All For One out of Tartarus."  Suki said in a frustrated voice, as they sailed back home.

"I don't know.  We'll have to stay vigilant, and be prepared for anything."  Izumi said, thinking about what they would do.

"All Might, you may want to hear this."  A low ranking hero said as he walked up to All Might with a phone.

"All Might speaking."  All Might said into the phone.

"Villains!  They're attacking!  They have no pattern or anything, they're just attacking randomly!"  A Hero called into the phone.

"H-Hold on, calm down.  What do you mean they're attacking?"  All Might asked.

"It means what it sounds like!  Agencies, Schools, Support Companies, everything!  It's all under attack by Villains!  We thought we could hold them off, but then the League of Villains got involved, along with the Meta Liberation Army, who's working with them, and we're getting overwhelmed!  Some are saying that they might even send in the Nomu's at any minute!"  The Hero shouted.

"How long has this been going on for?"  All Might asked, as everyone got up in worry.

"It's been going on for 4 days straight!  They're showing no signs of weakening or stopping!  It's just an endless- ARGH!"  The Hero shouted, before the phone hung up.

"Hello?  Hello!  They got him!  We need to move, now!"  All Might shouted, signaling for them to make the boat faster.

"W-What's happening?"  Inko asked, running down the stairs.

"Villains, they're attacking.  No doubt Izuku has something to do with it."  All Might said in an angered tone.

"What are we going to do?"  Izumi asked him.

"We need to prepare for all out war.  I'll try get into contact with some other countries, see if they can send reinforcements.  I rather doubt they will, but it's worth a shot."  All Might said.

After a few more hours of sailing and preparing, they reached shore, and what they saw, shocked them to the core.  All the heroes and students could see were destroyed buildings and abandoned streets.

  All the heroes and students could see were destroyed buildings and abandoned streets

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"N-No.  This can't be happening!"  Mineta shouted in panic.

"Calm down Mineta.  If we're gonna figure this out, we need to have level heads."  Izumi said, shutting Mineta up.

"First things first.  We need to establish a hide out or a base of operations.  I suggest that we check U.A."  All Might said, as some nodded, and others looked at him with slight hesitation.

"If the villains are attacking, and if Villainous has anything to do with it, then there's a high chance that he attacked U.A first."  Iida said, as some of the heroes and students nodded in agreement.

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