A mother's flame vs An heiress's cold resolve!

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"Hey you totally know what I'm talking about!" Blake ignored ruby, having not a clue what she was on about. "Hey don't ignore me! Admit it!" Blake remained stoic. "Blake?" Blake? Who's blake? Certainly no one that this belladonna knew of that's for sure. "Blake?" Still no one by the name of blake here. "Blake!!!" Blake belladonna who knew full well that was her name, then admitted. "Ugh, okay yes it was from that movie! Gosh can't let me just sound cool for once can you?" Ruby then surprised Blake by hugging her and saying. "Oh, blake you already always sound cool. So don't try to pull from other things, just be yourself and i'll like that for its genuineness okay?"

Blake went red as ruby's dyed hair and said. "Okay... you have a point. Thanks ruby fall." Ruby warmly said. "You're welcome blake belladonna. Now, let's get this bathroom break over with. My mom's gonna kick some schnee butt and this girl wants front row seats!" Blake chuckled and said. "Heck yeah! Let's do this and watch the seasons change in combat!" Ruby looked in awe at blake's statement causing blake to ask. "Um, what's the matter?" Ruby then squealed and said. "You sounded so cool right then, and that wasn't even from something! Do you see what i mean blake?" Blake smiled and said in a gimmicky announcement voice. "It's time for hot vs cold! Snow vs fire! Fashion vs style! Let's get ready for...... Cooooommmmmbaaaat!" That caused ruby to lose it in giggles and that made blake join her. As bystanders wondered why two little girls were laughing in front of the bathrooms like a couple of weirdos.

Cinder fall pov

The loud crowd and thumping of her own heart in her throat made her feel deff to the world around her as she was also sweating waiting to go and fight what was probably well and truly her rival in almost all semblance of the word. Her mind and heart felt like ice 'appropriate' thought the young mother who was about to face off in combat against the only person who beat her in a fight. Granted by not following the rules that they established between themselves but still. This was a moment that felt like it was going on forever, how long was she here waiting for her call to the arena? She couldn't tell you, all she knew was that it felt like an eternity.

The smell of sweat and sports drink, the loud silence of her mind and the rapid beating of her heart all swirled to create an odd dissonance in the senses of the young woman. Her muscles ached for combat like an almost lustfull desire for flesh on flesh contact, but in a very raw and instinctively different way. For what she was feeling now was more akin to the desire to dominate and destroy all who opposed her until she was the last one standing. Not even ozpin and his whole school would be able to fight her off had she the desire for their lives at this point. She toyed with the idea of it. Killing every other huntsman and huntress alive and making herself the immortal monarch of remnant. Maybe then she could unite man and faunus forcefully and bring about peace in her time.

She could make ruby and neo and emerald all queens of the different regions. Serving her as united ruler of the world. Maybe she could make the glass unicorn her personal home and raise her grandchildren there and deprive the location of its horrible agony that it imposed upon herself at a young age. But alas she wouldn't do that, after all ruby and neo respected her too much playing the hero so perhaps that would come after they are all gone, after all if zarathos is too be believed she would never die of natural causes now. So maybe she can be God queen in a couple hundred years or so 'yeah that sounds nice' she thought, deciding that she might become a deity in time.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! PLEASE WELCOME OUR MAIN EVENT, THE BATTLE FOR COLD AND HEAT, A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, A BATTLE OF SEASONS! CINDER FALL VS WINTER SCHNEE! LET'S GET READY FOR COMBAAAAAAAAAT!!!!" The announcement finally came and so she made her way to the battlefield in this next battle she would decide her fate and most of remnant in the process, though most were unaware of that at this time.

a mother's protection spellNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ