09: Drunk N' Love

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Maddy Perez

"Treyvon why are you so fine?" I asked.

"Thanks" He said.

"Do you love me?" I asked sitting on his lap facing him with my arms around his neck.

"What you talkin bout?" He asked.

I got a text on my phone from Mande.

Baby sissy💜
Where you at🙋🏻‍♀️

Big sissy💙
Being grown why?

Baby sissy💜
Cause i miss you and im bored😒

Big sissy💙
Ill be home soon i love you

Baby sissy💜
You rather be with that criminal with 4 murder charges then with me😒🖕🏼

Big sissy💙
Mande...i will see you later

Baby sissy💜
Ok love you too and tell trey to have you bring my some more weed and woods byeeeeeeeeee💕💕

I put my phone down and got off of him and went to the bathroom. When I got out he was on the game playing GTA yelling at his friends. I sat on his bed and watched him play the game I got up and sat next to him. He started rubbing his back a little complaining that it was hurting.

He got off and turned on vampire diaries on Netflix. I begged him to watch it the first time when I told him about it. He turned off his lights, We both sat on his bed and he looked at me and said.

"Yo man my back is hurting bad. Maddy can you give me a massage?" He asked me.

I nodded and he took off his hoodie then his shirt. He laid on his stomach and I got on top of him and did a little massage.

"Yo I got some oil in my bathroom closet. Can you go get that?" He asked me.

I put some on his back and went back to what I was doing.

"Damn this shit feel good" He said.

He turned about and was now laying on his back facing me. He was looking at me dead in my eyes and noticed I was blushing and he smiled at me.

I began massaging his shoulders and arms then he put his hands on my waist and started rubbing on me. He sat then kissed me, I kissed him back and he pushed me down and now he was on top of me still kissing me. He started rubbing my thighs and tried to take my shirt off and but I stopped kissing him and he looked at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Is that the only reason you wanted a massage?" I asked him.

"No. My fault I'll stop" He said getting off of me and walking to his bathroom.

I didn't really know what to think. I didn't wanna have sex with him until we were together because I am trying to change but he keeps teasing me like touching my legs or putting me on his lap or saying things he wants to do to me when he is high as fuck. I wasn't uncomfortable with it he just always thought I was and I would have to remind him.

"It's ok" I said making sure he heard me.

He walked back into the room and sat on the bed on his phone. I hugging him from the back with my face buried in his warm back with my arms wrapped around him. He got off his phone and turned me on my back then he put a pillow on my chest and laid on the pillow as I played with his hair.

We was talking for a bit then I had to go home. After I came home I saw my dad on the couch drunk and passed out while the tv is on. And I wasn't just confused I was mad because mom said she was over him and he can't come back to the house so why is he here. I go upstairs and open my mom's door without knocking which she hated but I don't care right now. She lied to me and Mande.

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