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Meia Smith

Marie and I are going to the mall and getting tattoos and piercing after. After begging our grandma to let us do that she finally said yes. We were gonna get the tattoos we wanted all together then all the piercings we wanted done today

We both decided we was gon match today.

We kept out hair down then we put on lip gloss and our makeup

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We kept out hair down then we put on lip gloss and our makeup. Shylee drove us after we got our stuff and saying bye to our grandma after she dropped us off I made sure an Uber was ready for us when we left. We walked around buying some clothes and stuff from bath and body works we stopped getting ice cream and sitting down and talking.

"Mar, you have been feeling down today what's wrong?" I asked her.

"I just I don't know. Do you ever feel like Treyvon loves Shylee more then us?" she asked me and I did sometimes feel that why.

 I know we are close and they are close but we have a better siblings relationship with Shylee more then Treyvon. He doesn't really talk to us as much as he does with her.

"I mean sometimes yea he does act some way with us and her. I did ask grandma why he acts like that to us but not her and she said. 'You guys have a closer relationship with each other like they do and you guys need to stop doing that because at the end of the day all four of you are siblings' I know she is right but I don't think he will understand that" I said after finishing my ice cream.

"That's what I'm sayin like he never talks to us unless it has something with business or him being in our business and grandma hasn't noticed that" She said. 

"But besides that. Why did he tell me you were at DeAndre's house instead of at school?" I said and her whole body language changed.

"Oh he wanted to talk to me about something with his mom and how she left him" She said.

"Well why didn't he say anything to me?" I asked getting more suspicious.

"Because he knew you were at school and he didn't want you worrying" She said.

"Well why did you give me those messages?" I asked because know I feel like this girl lying.

"He said think of something quick to say so you won't ask a lot of stuff" she said.

"Mmm-hmm ok Marie. If I find out you lying you, me, and him gon all have a problem" I said and she nodded. I was gon say something when Fezco, Lexi, Ashtray and some blonde girl walked up to us.

"What's up smiths" Fezco said standing next to us looking high he always looks and sounds high.

"Hey Fez, hey yall" I said smiling and Marie just was on her phone.

"Hey I'm May I'm their big sister" May said and I was surprised cause I didn't know they had a sister.

"Hey May this is my twin sister Marie" I said then kicked her leg making her look up from her phone and nodded at her. It weird but I think Marie doesn't like white people it's just how she is when they come around and how she gets quiet and doesn't speak to them. Hopefully I'm wrong.

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