Chapter 10: Nightmares

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"Number one is 'a'!" One person in front of me called, I'm sitting in a room with a desk in front of me. Paper is on the desk with a pencil beside the paper, I picked up the pencil and wrote my name. After writing my name down, I skimmed through the different questions and they were weird questions.

"No sharing answers." The 'teacher' called from his desk, his desk is at the back of the classroom. Taking a look at my surroundings, the door is on my left with two guards next to it with fancy guns and masks to hide their faces.

"Two is 'c'!" The person called again, the 'teacher' at the back of the class had a guard beside their desk and the two went over to the person. The teacher whispered something into his ear and he zipped his mouth shut, the guard pulled the gun from its holster and rested the tip on the person's temple.

Alright, this is weird. I thought to myself, some of the questions are a 'What would you do in this situation?' others are like 'If you saw ____ happen, write down what you explain and who you would explain the situation too.'

I don't like this, I really don't like this.

"I finished the quiz!" Another person called from behind me, waving the paper side to side above his head.

"Bring it to me," The teacher said, I feel like I'm back in school when I wouldn't talk- couldn't talk. Bringing a hand up to my face, I feel for my mouth and there's a cloth covering it, keeping me from talking... wh-what's happening! My eyes widen and I get up from my spot, rushing to the door. The guards chuckle darkly and step in front of the door, keeping me trapped in the classroom.

"Sorry little girl," The guard lied, smirking down at me. I glare up at him and turn to look at the mirror on the wall... I am a little girl. How am I fourteen again? My breath quickens and my eyes flicker around the room, the teacher that doesn't give a shit about what's happening in front of her, the classmates who always made fun of me for not wanting to talk, the creepy classrooms because the principal wanted to keep ninety percent of the money for himself, the blood-stained floor and some of the desks.

The room starts to close and the walls start to move in, all walls are moving except the wall with the door, passing through the teacher, then the students working on the quiz. I rush to the door and start pulling on the handle, the guards in front of it suddenly disappeared but I'm not worried about that.

Come on, come on! I thought while tugging on the handle, tears at the brink of my eyes as I tug unsuccessfully at the door handle.

The walls keep moving in... consuming everything in their path, students, the guards, the teacher. I just hope I don't end up like them.

"No wonder you're tossing and turning... shaking even. This is unnerving, even for me," Someone said behind me, I turn and face Loki. Tears stream down my face as I see the familiar face, black hair, and deep voice. "Oh, you're even worse in here," He said, walking over to me, the walls slowing to a stop as he walks.

Loki grabs the cloth around my mouth and tugs at it, it falls easily at his touch and I stretch my mouth. He chuckles and I wrap my arms around his waist, my head falling into the crook in his neck as I sniffle, not wanting to sob into the God's shirt.

"I think it's time for you to wake," He said, wrapping his arms around my shaking body. I nod and close my eyes, enjoying the feeling of the God's arms around me and his scent consuming me.

When I open my eyes, I'm back in my room, laying on Loki just how I was when I fell asleep. Looking up at him and smiling nervously I say, "Sorry,"

"What for?"


"I don't see a reason for you to be sorry, did I cause the nightmare?" Loki asked worry spattered all over his face as he asks.

"No!" I say, getting up and letting Loki change his position on my bed, "Never, I just get nightmares sometimes and it was one of those times," I shrug my shoulders and he nods understandingly before his brow furrows.

"How often?"

"I- every other day," I look away from the handsome man on my bed, finding my floor more interesting.

"Did you tell anyone?"



"... You," I say teasingly, smiling when I hear a soft laugh.

"Anyone else?"

"... No,"

"Why not?"

"They're the Avengers!" I finally look at him and motion to my door, "They have other- more important things to deal with. Not a nineteen-year-old's nightmares,"

"Are they not your family?"

"They are!"

"Why are you not telling them if they're your family?"

I staid quiet.

"Emma, please answer, I want to help you,"

"... They might judge me," I whisper, Loki unsurprisingly hears and sighs. I look back up at him and ask, "Can this be our secret?"

"... Fine, be glad I like you," Loki said, and I smile up at him. Bringing him into a hug, he hugs back and sniffs my hair, making me giggle.

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