Chapter 3: One Hundred Percent

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"N-No, no nothing's wrong," I stuttered, Loki's smirked staid on his face, he walked closer to me so we were close, very close.

"Then why are you turning red?" Loki asked, still leaning in.

"No reason," I said as I walked over to the fridge, I opened the door and grabbed the milk. I placed both cereal and milk on the counter, I then went over and grabbed a bowl. I placed it on the counter and poured in milk then the cereal. I put the milk back in the fridge and stared up at the cupboard that taunted me.

Height has always been an issue, especially when all of my other friends were either average height or tall as hell. When Tony first invited me to the Avengers I was surprised at their height, most of them are tall -especially the Gods-.

The cereal was taken from my hands again and flew back into the cupboard. I looked behind and there he was again, right behind me showing off his height. He is one foot taller than me.

"Are you sure?" Loki asked, he must have noticed that I was blushing again.

"One hundred percent," I whispered, he leaned closer with a smirk not leaving his face for a second. I turned around slowly and went over then grabbed my bowl of cereal and headed towards the couch.

I sat down on my specified seat and started to eat my cereal, when I was almost done eating I noticed that Loki was sitting beside me. I looked over and saw that he was reading his book, I smiled and took this time to admire his features; his raven hair, high cheekbones, lean but powerful build, thin pink lips, and gorgeous emerald green eyes. Everything about him seemed to be perfect like he could do anything wrong and no one would notice.

Loki smiled a devilish smile, he is probably the only person in the world that could pull off that demonic grin.

I looked back at my empty cereal bowl and waited, what was I waiting for I don't know but I decided to wait. Soon I heard a ding noise and looked at the elevator, the Avengers came piling out of the elevator with scrapes and scratches.

I got up from my spot on the couch and rushed over to them with worry painted all over my face.

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