Chapter 9: The Deal

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Finishing my Nutella on toast, I hear the Gods' footsteps coming back into the living room. I gulp, teleporting behind the Gods when they enter, Thor's holding Mjolnir in his right hand with his other swinging as he walks, and Loki's hands are behind his back.

I walk behind the brothers, wrapping my arms around their waists.

"Who are you guys looking for?" I asked, Loki turns to look down at me before smirking and grabbing me.

"You," Loki said, his arms wrapped around my waist, keeping me in place.

"Yes, we're looking for Lady Emma, have you seen her?" Thor asked, I giggled at him and shook my head. Loki started to wiggle his fingers on my sides, my eye widen and my lips were sewn shut as quickly as possible.

"I have, brother," Loki said, looking up at the other God in the room.

"Where is she?" Thor teases, Loki sighs and shakes his head before Thor grabbed my waist and threw me over his right shoulder.

"On your shoulder!" I yell at him, whacking my hands on his back. "Dammit, Thor, why is your back so hard?" I yell at him again, looking over my shoulder, the backs of my kneecaps exposed for them to tickle at any moment.

"Because I work out?" Thor questioned, I look to my left and see Loki walking beside us with a grin on his handsome face.

"How about- how about- how about- I make a deal with you guys?" I suggest Loki's eyes look in my direction while the rest of his body is still facing forwards, "But first, I would like to know where we're heading,"

"To my chambers," Loki stated, "What is the deal you were talking about, Emma?"

"I'll tell you when Thor puts me down!" I yell the last part, kicking my legs.

Once we made it to Loki's room, Loki opened the door and held it open for Thor to enter. When he entered, he gently put me on Loki's bed, laying my head on Loki's pillows. Thor went back and stood next to Loki after closing the door, the Gods look down at me expectantly.

Loki smirks and crosses his arms, raising his chin while Thor tilts his head. Sitting up and turning to the Gods, I shrink and smile nervously. Looking to my left I see Thor, to the right, I see Loki. Loki raises his eyebrows and smiles mischievously.

"Hey, lower those!" I playfully command the Mischievous God as I point my right index finger at him, he lowers his eyebrows and chuckles.

"Your deal?" Loki asks, raising his chin again.

"Right! The deal is, if you don't tickle me to death, I will... take you to the book store-"

"What about me?" Thor asks, I turn to him and smiled nervously.

"While I'm out with Loki, we could grab you more pop-tarts?" I suggest, Thor nods approvingly before leaving the room, "And then there were two,"

"Soon there will just be one," Loki comments, summoning a dagger and throwing it in the air then catching it. Tilting my head, I smile and watch as Loki places the dagger on his desk, I get up from his bed and walk over to his armour stand.

I stand in front of it and grab his helmet, lightly placing it on my head and giggling when the front falls forward, in front of my eyes. I hear deep chuckling behind me and then feel cool hands wrap around my waist, cool breath against the back of my neck.

"You look adorable, Emma," Loki said, pulling my back against his chest.

"Loki~" I whine, Loki's hands move from my waist and the helmet gets taken off my head and then back on its stand.


"I'm tired~"

"But, Emma, it's only-" He turns to the clock on his nightstand before continuing his sentence, "11:34 am, how are you tired?"

"I was running from Gods," I answered, he chuckles and picks me up bridal style before placing me back on the bed.

"If you're tired then take a nap, I'll watch over you," Loki says, walking over and laying next to me.

"Can you read to me, Loki?" I whispered, laying my left hand on his chest and my head in the crook in between his jaw and collar bone. I feel Loki move beside me and then hear his smooth voice reading the words on the page, wrapping one arm around me while the other is holding the book.

My eyelids become heavier and heavier until I can no longer keep my eyes open. "Have a nice nap darling," I look up at Loki one more time before smiling and letting sleep consume me.

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