"You IDIOT!"
Barb shouted and was about to punch Branch, only to realize she hit R instead.

And that helped Poppy escape, but after she found R she couldn't find B. Poppy couldn't see anything, but she heard a voice. A Dark, creepy, and deadly voice. Coming from somewhere

"Forget about them. *Gasp* just kill them, all of THEM!!!"
The dark voice said.

That's when everyone heard a beeping sound.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep

"It's a bomb! An actual bomb!"
D shouted in panic and got everyone's attention.

"Everyone to the cave!"
Poppy shouted and all the Trolls and they all followed her.

Once the remaining guards got to the different cave, D and Trollex knocked all of them out until there were no guards awake.

"Guys get down! It's gonna blow!"
Branch said and everyone rushed to a stone to block themselves from the explosion.

Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep

Once the bomb exploded, the Trolls remained out of there hiding spots and they saw the guards conscious!

Branch and Barb were about to knock them out again, until they saw the guards lost there red eyes, and they all had confused faces.

"Where I'm I?"
A Pop Troll said.

"What I'm a wearing?"
A Classical Troll said

"What in the hay is this place?"
A country Troll said.

Poppy came out of her hiding spot staring at the confused Trolls. And in moments, everyone else came out.

"Queen Poppy? Is that you? W-Where are we?"
A confused Pop Troll asked.

"Long story, but we have to get out of here! Right now!"
Poppy said as she along with the other Trolls went outside the cave.

Outside the cave:
Joan and Mina put Snowfall under a tree to rest while the rest stayed in their positions.

"I hear something coming. Get ready partners!"
Hickory shouted to everyone.

But once the Trolls got out, everyone was heck confused. They all had so many questions, they were scared, confused, and worried. Once Mina saw that the guard Trolls didn't have their red eye color she flew down trying to calm everyone.

*Cough* *Cough* "Is everyone alright?"
Mina shouted to the crowd.

All she got were nods or shrugs, which didn't help a lot. That's when the rest of the Trolls got out, all hitting the sand.

D called out limping a little

"Brother! What happened there?"
Cooper said looking at the front right leg where D was limping.

"It's nothing! I'm—OWW! 😖😖😖
D cried in pain since he felt a crack in his leg.

"We got you."
Branch said holding D's leg.

"MY SISTER! I NEED TO GET HER BACK!!!!!" 😡😡😡😭😭😭😡😡😡😭😭😡😡
Everyone heard a female voice in the crowd, whoever she was, she was upset and angry.

Branch dropped D's leg which only cracked louder.

D yelled angrily at him while Branch was running towards the commotion.

Once Branch got to the commotion, he saw Poppy and Barb trying to prevent R (who was crying and screaming) trying to get back into the cave.

At the moment R tried to escape, Branch got on top of her trying to calm her down.

"Easy girl, easy girl. That's it. Who's a good girl."
Branch said softly soothing her hair which made her a little sleepy.

"Alright. I'm calm, I'm calm."
R said standing up calmly.

And in a moment of silence later,

R said almost diving into the cave was caught by Mina.

"Calm down! Calm down! Deep breath in, deep breath out. And, I'm sorry in advance."
Mina said before knocking R out with a baseball bat.

"Is she gonna be alright?"
Joan asked examining R's head.

"By the time she wakes up, she'll go crazy."
Branch answered doing the "cuckoo" sign with his hand.

"She's hooey right to behave like this y'all. Her dang sister is back in there! And she's well determined to go back."
Joan said tapping R's head slowly.

"Maybe we can go back in."
Poppy said taking a step inside the cave. She breathed the air inside, only to feel her lungs on fire.

"Poppy get back out!"
Branch shouted using his hair to grab Poppy before she passed out.

Once Poppy was pulled out, she was coughing like crazy no one could tell if she was okay or dying.

"I'm okay! I'm okay! But, DO NOT GO INSIDE!!! ITS DEATH IN THERE!!!!!"
Poppy screamed grabbing on hold to Branches vest.

"But B is back there! Unless, she's..."
Barb said, stopping before she could save the D word.

"No! She's not dead!"
Snowfall said stepping to the very front of the cave.

Branch wanted to believe B is alive, but their was no way she survived the bomb and the atmosphere inside the cave. But, he had to tell her the truth.
"Snowfall, we want to believe you but, it's impossible to breath in their. How can you,"

"Then why can I smell her scent?"
Snowfall said, interrupting Branch's emotional speech.

Branch had the face.

"It could be her,"
Barb tried to finish her sentence, but her mouth was shut by Trollex before she could finish.

"The scent is further away than before, she's alive!"
Snowfall said sniffing the atmosphere inside a little.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Like Poppy said, it's impossible to breathe in there, how can you smell B's scent when you can't smell the atmosphere inside?"
Carlos asked with confusion.

"I have other senses you know."
Snowfall said before turning into a real life 8 tail Artic fox, with cold crystal blue eyes.

"Can she still understand us?"
Barb asked petting Snowfall's fox head.

"Off Course! You nit-wit."
Carlos said under his breath, only to be attacked by Barb.

That's when R woke up, but instead of going inside the cave alone, she walked over to Snowfall.

"Listen to me. If my sister, is back there. Please, bring her back to me, whatever it takes."
R said with tears on her cheeks, hugging Snowfall close.

Snowfall stood anxiously, starring at the cave. Even in her fox form, she had to be careful. If she says in there to long, no one will know if B is alive.

"I have to do my best, for everyone."
Snowfall thought before jumping inside the cave, holding her breath.

Trolls: Troll-wreakedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें