Chapter 35

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Warning: smut

The stairs of the jet start to descend and I jump out of the car. I feel like a fucking kid on Christmas as I wait. I bounce on the balls of my feet just to get some of this nervous energy out.

"Stai bene?" Rocco asks, coming to stand beside me.
(You okay?)

"I'm fucking great," I reply with a grin.

Victoria gets off the plane first holding a sleeping Enzo. Luca starts down the stairs lugging the baby seat. Alice holds Elle's hand with her free one as she walks by her side. The second the youngster's feet hit the tarmac, she runs over and wraps her arms around my leg.

"Zio Gio!" she exclaims, extending her arms.

"Not right now, tesoro," I reply as I step around her, "I've got something important to do."

"Like what?" she questions.

Rosa begins to walk down the stairs and her eyes meet mine. My stomach flips and my breath hitches. Fuck. I swear every time I see her, she gets more and more beautiful.

I rush over and wrap her up in my arms. She laughs as her arms snake around my neck. I breath deeply, taking in the scent that is Rosa; gunpowder and roses.

I put her back on her feet and pull back. My hands raise to her face, thumbs brushing against her cheekbones. She smiles up at me and I smash my lips against hers. She makes a small sound of surprise but kisses back hard.

"Can you not?" Luca grunts out.

I break the kiss to glare at him over my shoulder, "no one's telling you to watch."

Almost as if she's trying to prove my point, Rosa begins to press kisses to my jaw and neck. I take in a shaky breath and my cock throbs in my pants. Luca's face screws up in disgust before he turns away. Victoria gives me two thumbs up and I can't help but smile at her.

"C'mon," I say quietly, "let's go home."

Rosa sighs and takes a small step back. I smile at her before taking her hand and leading her to the SUV. She climbs inside and I follow her, shutting the door.

"You did it," she squeals, pulling me into a tight hug.

I chuckle at her excitement and kiss the top of her head, "sì, amore mia, I did it."

The driver gets in front and pulls off. I separate from Rosa but only enough so I can look over her face. She's practically beaming as she looks up at me with adoration. She bites down on her lip and looks away.

"What?" I ask quickly.

She shakes her head before meeting my gaze, "if I remember correctly, I promised you a reward."

A smirk crosses my face as I remember, "you did?"

She nods firmly, "would you like it now?"

I glance at the driver. He's nothing more than a foot soldier but he's been around for a while and knows to keep his mouth shut. Plus, we're a good half hour from the compound.

Rosa is undoing my belt before I even give her an answer. I sit back and spread my legs, giving her room to work. She flashes a seductive smile before pulling down my zipper.

"Someone's eager," I chuckle, her fingers slipping under my boxers.

She pulls them down quickly and my hard cock springs out. Her hand wraps around me and my eyes slip shut for a moment. She slowly begins to stroke me and I look down at her again. Her dark eyes are clouded with lust and she licks her red lips.

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