Chapter 17

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My leg won't stop shaking as I wait. Rocco will be back with Victoria any minute now and I am dreading the conversation I need to have with her. She's going to be pissed, and I can't say I blame her. I can hear her well before she's even on this floor.

"Get your fucking hands off me, Rocco," she snaps, her voice echoing through the halls.

I gulp down the whiskey in front of me and relish in the burn of the liquor. I shouldn't be the one having this conversation with her but here we are anyway.

I all but begged Luca to come back to talk to her but he insisted that he needed to stay put, that she'd understand. I sure as shit hope she does.

"Just come into the office, please," Rocco practically begs.

"Fuck you," Victoria spits back.

There's shuffling in the hall followed by Victoria screeching, "mettimi giù!"
(Put me down!)

The office doors fly open and Rocco marches inside, Victoria slung over his shoulder. I cough to hide my laugh as he puts her back on her feet. She looks better, healthier. Her skin is back to its olive hue and her cheeks are flushed.

"Don't manhandle me," she scolds him.

"You wouldn't cooperate!" Rocco retorts, exasperated.

"Victoria," I say simply and she snaps her gaze to me.


"Sit down," I say, gesturing to the chairs opposite me, "we need to talk."

"No," she counters, shaking her head, "you need to bring me to my kids."

"I will," I assure her, "I just need a few minutes with you."

She looks me up and down before planting herself in one of the leather chairs with a huff. She folds her arms across her chest and quirks a brow.

"Some stuff has happened since you've been away," I start carefully.

"Obviously," she retorts, "why else would you have moved the kids here?"

Rocco silently walks over to the doors and closes them. There's guards stationed outside that don't need to hear our personal conversation. He stands straight, one hand on the gun strapped to his hip.

"We're at war again," I say. It's a fact she already knew but I need to start somewhere.

"With who?" she asks.

"The cartel," I reply.

She nods slowly, "how bad is it?"

"It's bad," I concede, "they shot at me and Rosa when we were out the other day. Elle was there too, but she's fine."

She scoffs and shakes her head, looking away as tears begin to rim her eyes. Fuck, this is worse than I thought it was going to be. Victoria is like a little sister to me; and it hurts to see her so upset.

"You," she pauses to let out a shuddered breath. She shakes her head before looking at me again, "mi hai mentito."
(You lied to me)

"I was following orders," I tell her firmly.

"Whose orders?" she seethes, "who the fuck ordered you to lie to me about my children?"

"Luca," I admit. If she's going to be angry at someone it might as well be the right person.

"I'm going to kill him," she says, standing abruptly, "where is he?"

I swallow hard and glance at Rocco before replying, "he's in Texas."

"Fucking excuse me?" she exclaims.

"Vic-," I try, but she cuts me off.

"He's in Texas?" she exclaims, "so that means he's back in the business, doesn't it? How could you lie to me about this?"

"I didn't want to," I try, standing as well as she begins to pace, "We were just trying to protect you; we didn't think you needed the extra stress."

"Where are my fucking kids?" she asks, jaw clenched and eyes narrowed into slits.

"They're downstairs," I say, rounding my desk, "c'mon, I'll bring you to them."

She glares at me but relents and walks by my side through the halls. We go down to the second floor and into the library. We modified the room since bringing the kids here. There's piles of picture books and baskets upon baskets of toys.

Elle is working on a puzzle on the floor with Michael while Enzo plays with some trucks. Alice is over on a couch with Catarina in her arms. Elle lifts her head when we enter and her eyes go wide.

"Mommy!" Elle exclaims, clamoring to her feet, "mommy's back!"

She all but sprints across the room and Vic picks her up in a tight hug. Tears rim Victoria's eyes as she holds her daughter close.

"You're back," Elle exclaims with a grin.

"Yes, tesoro," Victoria replies, "I missed you so much."

"Mama!" Enzo calls out, arms outstretched.

Victoria chuckles and takes him into her arms as well, "and I missed you too, ragazzino."
(Baby boy)

"All better?" Enzo asks.

"Sì, bambino," Victoria smiles at him, "I'm all better."
(Yes, baby)

"You're not going to die like mommy Maria?" Elle asks.

My gaze involuntarily snaps to Alice whose eyes are wide. I don't think either of us were expecting her to say that.

"No sweetheart," Victoria says, "I'm right here, with you."

"Where's Daddy?" Elle asks, "is he with doctors too?"

I slowly move for the exit.

"He's doing business," Vic replies.

"Daddy doesn't do business," Elle retorts, shaking her head. Victoria shoots me a pointed look.

"It's just for a little bit," she says, "why don't we finish this puzzle and you can tell me everything that happened since I've been away."

"Okay," Elle nods.

Victoria puts both kids back on the floor and sits between them. I take this opportunity to get the hell out of there and head towards the backyard. I need some fresh air to clear my head.

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