Chapter 9

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Luca has officially snapped. The doctor called last night to inform him that Victoria will need to spend a week in the hospital; in a ward that does not allow phone calls or visitors. I was the very unlucky person that he called first.

He left strict orders to keep what's going on from Victoria; about the war and about him. He's already gone, left for the border this morning. He took almost fifty men with him and has another hundred packing their shit now. I have a feeling that he's about to go on a rampage like never before.

He asked for one favor before he left; for me to bring Elle to see Victoria. Apparently the kid has been a wreck, absolutely convinced that both of her mothers are dead. So of course I agreed.

We moved the kids back to the compound for the time being. While their house is secure and heavily armed, it's safer to keep them close by. Plus, I've temporarily moved back in as well.

We're at war. I don't have the time to be driving back and forth to my house and the compound. I need to be here, where I can oversee the Sinaloa's demise.

The dining room hasn't been this packed since we were at war with the Russians. Every table I walk past is full of men with their guns splayed out in front of them. I get to the head table and hesitate before taking the Don's seat.

A mug of coffee is poured out and handed to me by a young soldier. I take a drink as I look around the room. A good amount of the men are engulfed in whispers, looking over their shoulders to glance at me.

I look to the doorway to find Rosa sauntering in. The bright red of her top only compliments her tanned skin and as she gets closer I'm able to see her ass peeking from the bottom of her shorts. She sits in the chair to my left; knowing the importance of that placement.

"Good morning," she chirps, reaching past me for the orange juice, "how'd you sleep?"

"Fine," I reply simply. Except for when Luca called at 2am to scream at me. But hey, who am I to judge? His wife just tried to kill herself and his oldest child just got shot at. He has reason to be like this right now.

"It's so weird being back here," she says as she looks around the room, "you know they left my room exactly as it was? I mean, someone's obviously been cleaning it but it's all the same."

"I know," I reply before taking another sip, "I made sure of it."

"What?" she scoffs, lifting a croissant from a platter, "what are you talking about?"

"You're a picky person," I shrug and she shoots me a glare, "I wanted to make sure that whenever you came back, if you ever came back, it would be exactly how you like it."

I shift in my seat at the admission. It's not really a big deal. There are a multitude of extra rooms here and the men have their own floor. But I'd to anything to get her to stay, even down to buying multiple sets of her favorite sheets.

"That's sweet," she says. She leans over and kisses my cheek. I can feel my muscles relax just from her kiss alone.

I glance around the room again only to find the men silent. They're all looking at me, completely still. I glance at Rosa and she smirks.

"Introduce yourself," she whispers, her lips brushing my ear.

I take a deep breath and stand. My eyes sweep over the men's faces, both old and new soldiers stare up at me. I've never been particularly fond of public speaking and I can hear my own heartbeat.

"I'm taking over," I declare, "Antonio is stepping down to resume training the new recruits."

Murmurs erupt around the room and I clear my throat to get their attention again.

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