Chapter 23

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Warning: death

Suits, suits I can deal with. But fucking tuxedos. I feel like I'm being choked but I don't dare touch my bow tie. I have no fucking idea how to fix it if I mess it up. So I just settle to continually tug at my collar. Luca keeps spinning his wedding band around his finger.

"Victorias not talking to me," Luca says solemnly.

"Really?" I ask. As angry as she is at him, I didn't think she'd really give him the silent treatment.

"Yeah," he sighs, "won't let me see the kids either."

"I'm sorry, fratello," I say, clapping his shoulder, "you'll work this out eventually."

"I'm going to go insane," he says quietly.

I chuckle and shake my head. He really might go crazy; I've never seen a man more in love. High heels click on the staircase and I turn around.

"Holy shit," I murmur.

Luca turns to follow my gaze, "woah."

Rosa descends the steps, laughing at whatever Victoria just said. Rosa's dress is a deep red that matches the rubies adorning her skin. The top part clings to her figure and I can't peel my eyes away.

The diamonds and rubies sparkle as she gets closer. The new crown sits perfectly on her head and my heart skips over itself. She's absolutely breathtaking.

"Close your mouth," Rosa says with a laugh as she approaches, "you're going to catch flies."

I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her closer. She yelps at the movement and I smile.

"You look amazing, amore," I tell her, unabashedly looking her up and down, "I just- wow."

"And you look very handsome," she smiles. She pushes up on her toes and kisses my cheek, a goofy smile spreading across my face.

"Let's go," I say as I usher her towards the door, "I spent way too much time and money to not enjoy this gala."

Luca reaches out to put his hand on Victoria's back but she swats him away and strides past. Damn, he wasn't joking.

"Come, amore," I instruct as I lead Rosa outside.

One of my men holds open the back door of an SUV. I urge Rosa inside before sliding in beside her. The driver gets in front and peels off.

I bought out the Pierre Hotel for tonight. The families of the other Dons will be staying there along with any soldiers they brought with them. Caterers have been brought in to serve only the finest of Italian cuisine. Nearly a thousand bottles of champagne were ordered and at least twice that many bottles of wine.

"I'm excited," Rosa chirps, looking out the window.

"Good," I reply with a grin, my hand resting on her thigh.

"Make sure you enjoy yourself," she instructs, turning to look at me.

"As long as I have you at my side," I start, taking her jaw in my hand, "I will be beyond happy."

She smiles and I press my lips to hers gently. Our lips begin a slow and soft dance and she wraps her arms around my neck. She bites my lip but I pull away, using my hold on her to keep her still.

"You really want to ruin your hair and makeup before your first public appearance as La Regina?" I ask her with a chuckle.

Her brows furrow and she leans forward to examine herself in the rear view mirror. Her lipstick has smudged slightly and her crown sits crooked. I reach over and straighten out the crown.

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