Chapter 15 - Rosa's POV

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Warning: smut

I take my seat beside Gio in the dining room. The room is packed with men, guns splayed across each table as they eat and talk. Gio pours out a mug of coffee and places it in front of me without a word.

I furrow my brow but don't question it. Instead, I start to fill my plate. I have no idea what a war truly entails but I can only assume that that's the reason for his demeanor. Antonio saunters over and I take a bite of my muffin.

"Have you finished the arrangements?" Antonio asks, pouring himself a mug of coffee.

"Not yet," Gio shakes his head, "I have to work out a few more things today."

"Zio 'Tonio! Zio Gio!" Elle's excited voice cuts their conversation short. She rushes over and clamors onto Antonio's lap.

"Good morning cara," Antonio smiles down at her.

Rocco isn't too far behind and plants himself beside Antonio. He has bags under his eyes as he reaches for the coffee.

"Who's guarding the kids?" I ask, turning to look up at Gio.

"Rocco," he says simply, jutting his chin towards the man.

"By himself?" I question.

"They have a nanny," he says, "why?"

"Sembra esausto," I reply quietly.
(He looks exhausted)

Gio turns his gaze to the young man and his brows furrow. He nods slowly, like he's working out a tricky problem in his head, before looking at me again.

"How many do you think would suffice?" he asks, placing his hand on my thigh.

"I don't know," I shrug, "but that's too much responsibility for one person."

"You're right," he says with a small smile. He leans down and kisses my temple before going back to his meal.

"I need to go shopping," I tell him.

"You just got here," Antonio scoffs, "relax with the shopping spree."

"It's not like I brought my whole wardrobe here with me," I protest, "I need to get some stuff."

Coming here was a very last minute plan. I didn't pack all of my things and I ended up forgetting a lot. It's not like I'm asking to spend the entire day in boutiques, I just need some underwear and a few shirts.

"I'll have all your things sent over," Gio offers before taking a sip of coffee.

"That'll take forever," I protest, rolling my eyes.

"It might," he shrugs.

"So, let me go shopping," I insist, adding, "I'll bring the goons and everything."

Gio's jaw ticks and his grip on my leg tightens. His eyes meet mine but they're glazed over in an icy rage. His voice drops, too quiet for anyone else to hear, "it only takes a split second for you to be shot dead."

My eyes widen at that and my mouth falls open. When the hell did he get so morbid?

"What?" I ask incredulously.

"I said no and I mean it," he says as he stands, "I have business to take care of so behave yourself."

"You're such an asshole sometimes," I roll my eyes.

"And you love me anyway. I'll see you for dinner," he cups my cheek and tilts my head back before kissing my forehead.

My heart is racing in my chest and I have to make a conscious effort to breathe. I don't know how he does it, but he never fails to fluster me.

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