Chapter 32

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"Alright," Victoria says, handing Catarina off to Luca, "you guys stay here and we'll be back with dinner."

"You sure you don't want help?" I ask, eyes flicking to Rosa. She wears a soft smile and shakes her head no.

"We got this," Victoria says confidently. I smile and take a seat.

Rosa and Victoria disappear into the castle. Enzo and Elle are climbing the lemon tree, although it's mostly Elle. The kid's guards stand a few feet away from them with their arms folded over their chests.

"Look!" Enzo exclaims. He's sitting on a low branch with a big yellow lemon in his hand.

"Did you pick that yourself?" Luca asks softly as he approaches.

"Sì," Enzo beams up at him.

"Good job," Luca ruffles his hair, "I used to pick lemons from this tree when I was little too."

"Zio Gio said you fell out of the tree," Elle says as she plucks another fruit. Luca shoots me a glare and I respond with a bright smile.

"Sì," he replies, "one time I fell all the way from the top."

Elle looks up to where the branches end, "that's a big fall."

"It is," Luca agrees. He strides over to me and hands off the baby. She looks up at me with a toothless grin and I bounce her on my lap, making her squeal.

"That's why we should get you two down," Luca continues, lifting Elle off of the branch and placing her on her feet, "I don't want you to get hurt."

"Daddy," Elle sighs, "you worry too much. It's gonna give you wrinkles like Nonna Alice."

I laugh, "she's right. Your age is starting to show."

"We are the same age," Luca reminds me harshly. He lifts Enzo out of the tree as well before returning to the table.

This dining set is about as ancient as the castle itself. Thick iron swirls around itself, the dozen chairs matching. Plush cushions are a newer addition to the setup. The area is surrounded with plants and flowers. The pergola overhead is crowded with light purple wisteria flowers. With the castle so high on the hill, the bustling town and large expanse of ocean are visible.

"Zio Gio!" Enzo exclaims as he jumps into my lap.

"Hey little man," I smile at him.

"Unfunfy," he mutters, shifting around on my lap. I move Catarina so I can hold her with one arm.

"What?" I ask, that was neither English nor Italian.

His brows furrow, "scomodo."

"What is?" I question. My hand instinctively reaches for my gun to move it but I don't even have it on me.

He shuffles off my lap and purses his lips like he's deep in thought. My brows furrow and I watch him carefully. It's never good when a young DiSilva is that focused.

He looks both ways before pulling his swim shorts off. He tosses the wet swimsuit at me and I look at Luca. He's in just as much shock as I am, staring open mouthed at his two year old.

"Lorenzo!" Luca snaps into action.

"Te l'avevo detto che hai troppi figli," I mutter and Luca shoots me a glare.
(I told you you have too many kids)

He rushes over and scoops Enzo into his arms, "you cannot just take your clothes off like that."

"It was wet," Enzo states.

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