- Chapter 80, The Lunar Finale -

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- Solar's perspective -

Lunar turned around just in time, I handed MoonStar the chip I had made with what little I could. If my chip truly does work then maybe I can end all of this, after all.. MoonStar's body is slightly stronger than Sundrop's. Everything went just as planned and Lunar turned to face me once more, now was the time. "I m-may not be able to f-fight you... not in t-this body.." I said smiling, Lunar looked pretty confused as I secretly pressed a button to activate the chip. Immediately my consciousness was transferred into MoonStar's body, with this I was able to break out of the endoskeleton's grasp and rose to see Lunar. "But I can in this one.." I continued the sentence, Monty was also pretty shocked but that is expected of him as MoonStar and Monty knew nothing of this plan. It was a plan I came up with on my own, though I did tell Sundrop a couple of things he also knew basically nothing about this. If Sundrop knew, he'd try to stop me. He would tell me that it's 'too dangerous' or that I'm 'crazy' for attempting this.. and honestly? right now he's right.

This is dangerous, all of this is.. I could end up doing more harm than good here, but it was worth the try. If I didn't try then I knew I wouldn't forget, it would be stuck engraved into my mind like the hurtful words Sundrop experienced ages ago. I only know about that event because he told me, we've both had quite a bit of time to think and reflect together. Lunar hadn't been keeping much watch on us speaking to each other after all.

"Hah!.. silly Solar, you're just as crazy as I am, you know that right?.." Lunar laughed hysterically with wild eyes as they looked over at me. They thought that I wouldn't win as I had evidently lost the last fight with them. "..You know you can't win, so just give up!.." they continued, though I wasn't really listening to their little monologue instead I was watching Sundrop stumble and begin to look around. Though I was in control of MoonStar's body now, I still had connections with Sundrop so I was still able to talk to him telepathically like I did before when he was in control. Turning back to Lunar I realised their monologue was over, now they had decided to prepare for a fight as the endoskeletons weren't listening to them. I had made sure that most of the endoskeletons would be disabled during this time as I don't want them interfering with my plan. Now how did I do that? I did it before I fought with Lunar the first time, though I've never used the chips I have implanted into them again until now. Back when I was chained up in the corner with Sundrop I had no plan, so there was no use in attempting blind escape. If I activated the chips too often before now then Lunar would've caught onto it and found a way to stop me. 

This now, this is the Lunar finale, the day we stop Lunar for good.

The fighting finally started, I could hear MoonStar talking to me along with Sundrop. Both were questioning what I was doing, I had anticipated this fight for ages.. calculated each mistake that could possibly be made during and before it. The big fight lasted for quite a while, hours and hours incessantly with no end.. Sundrop, MoonStar and Monty were all watching, one way or another this fight had an audience. Above parts and services the others were realising the endoskeleton absence, they were all deactivated. So they had banded together despite their relationships with one another and they had made their way downstairs to the fight.. finally they were free, Lunar was down now and I was standing atop them.

"..You really thought I was stupid, didn't you Lunar?.." I knelt down with a foot still on top of Lunar's back and muttered into their ear. "You were wrong, you always were.. but then, that's the thing I've always liked about you... you never know when to quit," they tried to turn their head to face me but I placed slightly more pressure on the foot that was atop their back, this caused their head to be stuck on the floor facing away from me. "J-just get o-off.." they said though I didn't want to, even though they were crushed down to the floor I knew that Lunar would find a way to do something bad. Until I had assured that they are no longer a threat to my newfound friends, I will stay atop them keeping them down. Weighing them to the floor like the strongest pull of gravity ever known to be felt.

"Solar, you've beat them now so can I have my body back?.." I heard MoonStar say, I guess he was right anyways. I did take his body without his permission, but in the end it was for a good cause; I hope he can realise that. Without any further hesitation I deactivated the chip and returned to Sundrop's body where I belonged for now. MoonStar picked Lunar up as Monty tore at the chains holding me and Sundrop to the wall. MoonStar then proceeded to take Lunar over to the chains that held us and tied Lunar up with what remained of them. Once that had happened everyone stood and looked at Lunar, beaten up and broken down.. tied down in the corner like a prisoner in a cell. "L-lunar, I think you have s-something to s-say.." Sundrop stated, everyone else started to mutter amongst themselves about how he was right. Lunar did have something to say, they did after all owe us an apology.. everyone an apology.

- Lunar's perspective -

I looked up at everyone else with blurred vision from my partially broken eyes, they were all chatting with each other. Sundrop was right, so with what little strength I had left I muttered an apology barely loud enough for anyone to hear. "Sorry, can't hear you.. could you just repeat that?" Princess DawnRise asked, so I spoke again "...I-I'm.. s-sorry.." this time it was just loud enough for the crowd to hear. Glamrock Freddy looked unamused and honestly annoyed, for once he has a right to be annoyed though.. annoyed at me for doing what I did. "I s-shouldn't... have a-acted as.. irrationally a-as I.. did..." I continued "..I k-know you ca-... can't f-find it within y-yourselves.. to f-forgive me but-.. that's n-not what I w-want here.."

"I g-guess what I'm t-... trying to s-say is I-" but I was interrupted "..You're sorry, you t-truly are?.." it was Solar who had spoken. They had switched in to attempt a voice box repair, that and several other things needed fixing or replacing due to being chained up in the corner for so long.. that and the first fight that had happened. I nodded weakly knowing I couldn't move too much otherwise I would cause an even bigger risk of shutting off to this body. "We're going to have to keep an eye on you, so I suggest we put you in Starry again.." Roxanne suggested, once again everyone whispered amongst themselves in agreement. It was a good idea after all, if I can't be trusted to have a body of my own there's a perfectly good body that I've been in before.

"Fine, I guess they can stay with me for a bit then.. but h-" MoonStar began, soon interrupted by Solar who had finished the voice box repair already "How?.. well, that's where I come into this!.. I've already proven my strong capabilities of creating and repairing things..." MoonStar nodded to this. "Yeah, you have.." he said to Solar, the two of them spoke a bit before Solar switched out and Sundrop fully returned. "We'll have to take care of that body of yours Sunny, got it?.." Monty asked and Sundrop smiled as best as he could, the damage to his- well, Solar and Sundrop's body was quite a bit. It would take quite a while to fix it but at least now things in The Pizzaplex have lightened up a little. Maybe management will swoop in to repair the rest of them and re-open this place again, the endoskeletons told me they did hear talk of that happening..

- Chapter 80 End -

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