- Chapter 48, Dead Stars Tell No Tales -

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- Sundrop's perspective -

Upon surveying the room I found MoonStar sitting down in a corner, holding some sort of.. mask? no... that's his face.


"M-MoonStar?.. Starry? y-you okay?.... oh god.." I said as I stepped towards him with pure horror displayed on my face. I didn't know what to do so I knelt down to his unresponsive body and began examining him like I would with an injured child. "S-Star? please.. t-talk to me!" I continued to beg for him to give me an answer but... nothing. No response, no movement, no nothing. My cries were useless, useless just like a plea for help when nobody's around. There seemed to be nothing I could do, I scanned his body and my scanners told me that he was injured in several other places. What could've done this? who could've done this? why MoonStar, why not me instead?  I couldn't think of any answers to any of the questions that circled round and round. Endlessly I continued to think, sob and look at him with tears streaming down my face.. there wasn't anybody else around and the staff bots weren't programmed to deal with this sort of thing.

"W-why?... MoonStar, p-please.." I pulled him closer and into a hug "I d-don't want to lose you, p-please.." my tears were dripping down into the oil filled wound that was once his face. I picked up his face from the floor and shakily laid it where it was supposed to be. "W-we can still fix t-this.. r-right?... you're o-okay, we can f-fix this... y-you're fine! you-..." my voice was shaky and unsteady as I spoke these words I knew to be lies. After that I fell into silence, the only noise in the room was my sobbing and crying as I leaned over MoonStar's lifeless body. As I continued to cry I yelled out, screamed yet I didn't know why.. perhaps I wished that someone would hear me, maybe I thought that somebody would come to help me. But nobody came.

Why, why him!? MoonStar.. I-... I just want him to wake up! I-.. please... the only thing I could do was think, I attempted to convince myself that he was only sleeping but I think we both know that's not the case here. There was nothing I could do, my body just stopped moving as I incessantly cried, constantly begged and pleaded with the lifeless body to just wake up! do something!.. yet it never did. After a while I guess I just gave up, I stopped everything and just hugged him as tears fell silently from my eyes.

I plucked up the energy to go get the spare fazwatch from my desk and then I crawled back through the tunnel to MoonStar's body again. I began typing a message to everyone on it yet my hands just seemed shaky, there wasn't anything I could do to stop the trembling. After a while of fumbling about with the fazwatch in my blackened hands I sent the message. I read it out to myself while holding MoonStar's cold, dead hand in my own "Thre's meen a tfagedy, eberyne wh csn pleadr mske their wau to MopnStsr's rpon in tje daycare.." (There's been a tragedy, everyone who can please make their way to MoonStar's room in the daycare..) I only made so many mistakes because my hands were unstably shaking. I dropped the fazwatch and placed my other hand on the hand I was holding, holding it with both hands.

After a while everyone except DJ Music Man had arrived and had now joined me in MoonStar's room. I spoke to them all without turning around to look at them "M-MoonStar is... dead.."

- Chapter 48 End -

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