- Chapter 14, After The Incident -

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- Moondrop's perspective -

It's been a few days since the accident, me and Sundrop got checked over to see if there was an issue with us. They noticed the bug but said nothing could be done about it. Sundrop's not spoken to me in a while, I'm not sure he even wants to speak to me anymore... after what I've done? I can't blame him. It's one thing to live with the thought that there's a bug in your system that'll never go away, but it's another thing to have to live with the thought that it's made you kill someone... two people in fact.. first Glamrock Bonnie, now that kid. It's been difficult to try to keep the bug away, but when you're left alone with something you despise... well, it's difficult to keep it away isn't it? never mind. I don't think anyone cares at this point, I've tried to call out to Sundrop to see if he'll speak to me but... nothing changes. I fear now that the longer I'm left with this, nobody to talk to... then the more it shall consume me until there's nothing of my original value left..

It's a nice day today.. is it really though?  I thought to myself, though I knew the day would only become more dull. "...Sundrop?..." I called out, this time however.. instead of silence, there was a reply. "Moon?.." I heard him say "Why do you want to talk to me?..." In response to this, I said "..Well.. you remember t-the inci-" then he interrupted me "Incident?.. how could I forget!? y-you killed a kid Moondrop, you k-killed him..." I went to speak again "I-" though, it seems he wanted to interrupt me once more "..Save your excuses, s-save them for someone who'll care.." Great, now your only remaining friend hates you too...  I thought, the words circling in my brain. I called out one more time though I don't think Sundrop listened "I-it was an accident! okay? I-.. I'm sorry... is that w-what you want to hear!?.." he never replied.. He's not listening, he'll never listen.. he doesn't care..  my thoughts seemed determined to put me down, to make me suffer in sadness as if I wasn't doing that already. I was stuck in the darkness of Sundrop's mind.. the lights wouldn't be turned off anytime soon, I knew that. I had to face this alone... Sundrop's not going to help you, nobody is..  my thoughts continued to speak to me as if I was a piece of unwanted dirt ..Just give up, you know you have to...  There was nothing left that I could do, the bug I've had to deal with was taking over...

There was now nothing left of who I truly was..

- Chapter 14 End -

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