- Chapter 45, Questions -

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- Sundrop's perspective -

I've met such wonderful strange people recently! They're so weird yet so wonderful! They come from a different world too.. whatever that means, I don't really know! There's this wolf-like lady called Solis and there's another girl called Okariia. Strange names, I know but one means Sun! That's a coincidence, right? Because my name is Sundrop and her name means the word Sun!

I don't think MoonStar entirely trusts them though, Solis is alright but around Okariia he seems to be cautious. It's as if he knows something I don't and maybe I just don't see it... or maybe it's just the way she acts! She does act rather strange. Okariia's quite the odd person when you think about it, from what I've learnt from our few conversations she seems to like the idea of eating things you usually wouldn't eat! For example, raw meat. Usually standard humans cook their mean before consuming it but she thinks it's okay to eat it raw, isn't that bad for humans? Nevermind, I don't want to think about that right now.

MoonStar came down to get a better look at Solis but then he decided to retreat back up to the stage platform again and I want to know why. He isn't really social but I want to know why he's acting rather odd aswell, usually he atleast attempts a conversation with someone new instead of just looking at them and walking away! Well, not walking in this case but you probably understand what I'm saying anyways. I want answers, so I'm going to get them! I'm going to get them my way.. but how? I thought to myself as Okariia and Solis were having a conversation in the distance. How does one extract an answer to a question they do not know how to ask?  Annoyed, I tapped my foot on the floor uncontrollably but nobody seemed to notice.

I couldn't think of it, I couldn't think of what to say to get the answers I wanted.. the answers I needed. Again and again in those few minutes of standing there I tried yet failed, over and over again.. failure after failure. After a while I decided not to think about it anymore but it kept worrying me the more I dismissed it. Eventually Solis looked over at me and noticed I was acting weird "Uhh, are you okay?.." she asked. I snapped out of my thoughts and stopped tapping my foot. "Uhhh y-yeah! I'm fine, just don't think about it o-okay?" As I said this I saw Okariia looking at me as if she didn't buy it. She didn't believe me entirely so I decided to tell them I had to go to my room to do something.

Before I left them alone I told them not to make too much of a mess and to clean up whatever they used within the room. They both agreed and with that I was able to slip away from the crowd of two and up to my room..

- Chapter 45 End -

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