- Chapter 50, A Replacement -

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- Sundrop's perspective -

It's been a couple of days since.. you know. Everything's been fine but I can't help the feeling that I'm missing something, it's MoonStar. MoonStar wasn't just my best friend but he was my other half too, the darkness to my light. Management's already been talking about replacing him with some kind of stupid princess animatronic! what! why!? already?.. they can't just do that, they can't just forget about him. All the staff have been talking about her too "She's the next best animatronic!" they all say "Better than that creepy moon man!" it's as if he never existed! I hate it! all of it! I hate them. They just don't understand, they don't know how much he meant to me.. how much he cared about me, Roxanne and Monty. They don't care. They'll never care.

- A few weeks later -

They've already started building that idiotic princess animatronic. I still hate it, humans just never listen do they? they've gotten Glamrock Chica to help out in the daycare for now, they claim that "It's too much money to just hire a person to immediately fire them a few weeks later.." so the Glamrock Band is one member short for now. I don't mind her being here anyways, if anything it helps to distract me from.. MoonStar. But whenever I'm alone and she's left for the day then I just start thinking about it. I keep looking back at his face on my desk, I still haven't moved it.. it's too important to just throw away like a piece of garbage but I don't want to hang it on the wall or put it in a box like an ornament.

"Sunny? y-you okay?.." Glamrock Chica called over to me, I turned my head and nodded to her. I has been just standing there not doing anything for the past few minutes. "I'm fine.." I responded but I'm sure we all know that's a lie. The day had just ended so all the kids had gone home now and we were cleaning the daycare together, whenever the children are around I put on a happy face. Obviously since they're mostly only 3-5 year olds, they can't exactly tell when I'm lying most of the time. Glamrock Chica went back to sweeping the floor and I continued picking up crayons, pieces of paper and googly eyes that had been dropped around one of the activity tables. I wasn't expecting it to happen but Glamrock Chica walked up to me and gave me a hug. "H-huh?" I returned the hug to her and then she spoke "..I know what it's l-like Sun, loss.." then the hug ended. "You d-don't need to pretend that everything's fine, you have friends that care about you and they're here to help you through it.." she continued, I just stood there and listened "It might not feel like it r-right now but... everything's going to be okay!.. and we both know I'm talking from experience here, I lost B-bon, remember?..."

I nodded my head and we shared one last hug before continuing to clean up, after that she left to go to her room for a bit. I went back to my room and began to think about MoonStar again.. I just can't forget, I won't! I refuse to. Why isn't he here?.. it's just not fair, life should be fair!..  I thought yet I couldn't help but feel like I'd heard something. A voice in the distance seemed to be calling from me "..S-sunny?..." it said. I looked around for the noise "S-sunny... don't.." the glitched voice continued, I stood up and kept looking around for this noise. "..S-sun.. cr-cry don't-... d-don't.. cry..." finally the voice had managed to form a full sentence, it was only slightly audible since there was a bunch of static-like noises glitching it out. I looked at MoonStar's face on my desk with a tear beginning to fall down my face "..S-starry?" I said before rushing to the desk. I looked down at the desk and carefully picked the face up while wiping away my tear "S-sunny..." it said again.

What?.. did it just- did it just speak!?  I couldn't believe it, the voice had been coming from the face this whole time. How is this possible? I-... but he-.. he's-  then I realised it. MoonStar's voice box was still attached to the face somehow, along with part of his processor that must still be functioning. The face attempted to pull itself into a smile, but it failed and without eyes it couldn't really look up at me to show me it was happy. I hugged the face the best I could then placed it on the desk, I sat down in a chair infront of the desk and looked at it.

"..MoonStar?" I asked it, then it responded with a broken voice "..S-sunny?.."

- Chapter 50 End -

(Oh look, a plot twist! do you like it? but then again, what will this mean for the replacement they're building?.. only time will tell!)

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