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I enter the boat house which Eddie is in, he wasn't hidden this time he was throwing things into an empty can. "Amber?" He says. I don't answer and sit in the opposite corner of the room. He walks over to me and places his hand on my shoulder in which i let out a cry. "Shit, are you okay?" He seemed genuinely worried.

"Looks like were both fugitives" i laugh yet still crying. He doesn't respond to that. We both jump when we hear a car pull up, we both crawl to the window looking out but instantly ducking when we see the car. "Fuck..fuck Thats Jason car" i whisper to Eddie.

Eddie walks over to the side window watching Jason and his 'gang' enter the home. "Hey Dustin you there" he whispers into the cerebro. "Hey if there is anyone there we might be in a bit of trouble here" he says slightly louder. He hits it. "Anybody"

Im still by the window making sure they're still in the house for the time being. "They boat" i say. He looks at me confused. "The fucking boat goddamn it" i say lifting it slowly into the water. "Shit I forgot you could do that" he tells me as i use my shirt to wipe the blood from my nose.

We make it halfway through lovers lake when we hear a loud bang. "They're over there" i say pointing where we've just been. Eddie continues paddling the boat ducking down when i spot both Jason and Patrick look in our direction. I close my eyes and focus. "Hey freak" Jason shouts at Eddie. "Where do you think your going?" He shouts. "Jason who are toh talking to?" Patrick tells him confused.

"There. They're right there" he says pointing at us. Partick tried but just couldn't see us. Jason begins to undress and runs into the water. I stop and begin tugging on the string to get the motor running. "Shit i see them now" Patrick also undresses. "Yeah no shit" Jason replies coming closer to us.

"This piece of shit wont start" i shout looking at Eddie. Patrick stops which encourages Jason to also stop. "Cmon we almost have them"

He is then quickly dragged under water, me and eddie share the same look. He shoots up out of the water causing both me and Eddie to fall out the boat, i turn away from the scene as i hear the bones of the boy cracking, identical sounds Chrissys body made. Id already seen this happened.


Eddie and i has swam till we got to the land at the other side of the lake and we sat by a tree untill it was day light and until we weee dry enough to find another spot. "You have some blood" he says using his sleve to wipe my nose. I give him a small smile. He begins walking through the woods until we hear hammering and drilling.

Eddie runs forward and grabs their walkie talkie. "Really Eddie. That shits like illegal" He laughs at me, "were being done in for murder so" he shrugs. "True true"

We walk to skull rock. And Eddie quickly extends the antenna on the cerebro, "Dustin can you hear me?" He says placing his hand on his head. "Eddie holy shit" Dustin replies. I let out a sigh of relief when i hear his voice. "Are you guys okay?" Dustin asks. I place myself next to Eddie on the floor. "Nah man, pretty goddamn far from okay" he rubs his eye.

"Where are you?"

"Skull Rock. You know it?"

"Yeah that's near Cornwallis and-" Dustin is cut off by Steve. "Garrett, yeah i know where that is"

"Of course you do Henderson" i laugh.

"Hold tight werw coming" Dustin tells us.

Eddie nodds to the cerebro then throws his head back, "we're going to be fine Munson" i say and he nodds. We lock eyes for a moment. "So Wheeler. I want to know you. Like really know you" he tells me. "Well what do you wanna know" i ask him.

"I wanna know the deep stuff"

"Deep stuff? Like?"

"Your favourite song"

"Woah now thats too deep" we both laugh at my response, "no but really. What is is?" I hesitate for a second.

"I don't know, Living on a Prayer. or maybe Edge of Seventeen" i reply. "Living on a prayer? Probably everyone's favourite song and Edge of seventeen. I could get away with liking them" he grins. "You?" I say to him.

"Iron Maiden. Metalica. Bon Jovi. Kiss? Songs by them never fail to bless my ears" i nodd in response, He stands up to walk upon a rock by us. I choose to stay seated.

Word Count: 792

Reflection - Eddie Munson X fem OcWhere stories live. Discover now