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Mike, Dustin, Lucas' younger sister and I walk down the halls. In my opinion we definitely looked cool as fuck.

Erica walked with an American flag around her neck and a binder in her hands. We reach the room where Hellfire was held in.

As we walk in Eddie, and every other member, stares at us all. He locks eyes with me then with Erica. "Absolutely not" he says holding his hands together. "You asked for a sub. We delivered" Dustin states. "This is Hellfire club. Not babysitting club" Eddie tells him. I let out a small laugh.

"Im eleven you long-haired freak" Erica snaps. "My, my. The child speaks" the other members laugh. Eddie stands up quickly, "so, what's your name. Child?" Erica walks over to him as he walks over to her. "Erica Sinclair" she says dominantly. He giggles at her response. "So this is Sinclair's infamous sister"

"Hes sharp" she says looking at me and the guys. I give her a thumbs up. Eddie mad is funny and pretty hot if im being honest.

The other members laugh making Eddie mad. With just a look of him the boys stop laughing. "Whats your class and level? Level one Dwarf?" He questiones.

Erica adjusts herself. "My name is lady Apple jack. And im a good half-elf rouge, level 14. I will sneak behind any monster you throw my way and stab them in the back with my poison-soaked kukri. And I'll smile as I watch them die a slow, agonising death. So we gonna do this or keep chit-chatting like this is your momys book club" Eddie smiles slowly but surely, he offers his hand out to her as I thought he would. "Welcome to Hellfire" he says as she shakes his hand.

During the game: "The hooded cultists Chant, 'Hail lord Vecna'" he says in an ominous voice. "'Hail lord Vecna" he repeates. "They turn to you, remove their hoods, you recognise most of them from Makbar. But there is one you do not recognise, his skin shrivelled, desiccated. And something else. He is not only missing his left arm, but his left eye" he says this standing with his eye covered. Everyone clamors including me. "No" i shout "Vecnas dead, he was killed by Kas" i say loudly. "So it was thought Princess." He looks at me, "so it was thought" he repeats. "But Vecna lives" he slams a vecna figure on the board.

"You are scared. You are tired. You most certainly injured. Do you flee Vecna and his cultists? Or do you stand your ground and fight?" He asks. "I say we fight" i say looking at everyone proudly. "To the death" Erica adds. "To the death. To the death" everyone chants in unison, i look over at Eddie and he smiles widely at everyone. He enjoyed the happiness everyone felt playing the game, it was obvious that this was his happy place.

Erica rolls the dice, everyone cheers for her.  And a while after everyone shouts "No!" as mike makes a mistake. Everyone then moans again. Looks like were loosing however, I wouldn't let that happen.

"Time out. Time out" one of the members say making a 't' shape with their hands. We all huddle into a circle. "Guys i hate to say this but we've got to flee" says gareth -the only members name I actually know- "didn't we just agree 'to the death'" i ask everyone. "That wasn't literal" Gareth exclaims. I give him a confused look. "Vecna just decimated us. We can't kill him with two players" somebody says looking over at me and Erica. "He only has 15 hit points left. Don't be pussies" i cry out. "Hey" Eddie shouts causing us all to look back, "if i may interject, gentlemen, Lady applejack and you Princess, whilst I respect the passion, you'd be wise to take Gareth the Greats concern to heart" he tells us all. "There is no shame in running" he makes hand gestures. "Don't try to be heroes not today. 'Kay" he adds. He winks at me. "One sec" Dustin says. We reform our circle.

My mind goes blank and im not longer in the room. I scan my surroundings but there are none. Complete darkness. I turn around and for a moment images flood my mind. Eddie- Papa- Jason- Ch-Chrissy? they're all...

"Hey, hey" i hear dustin say snapping his fingers. "Oh sorry. What did you say?" I ask him, still confused of what happened.

"How many hit points do you and Lady Applejack have left?" Mike asks looking at me. "Twelve" we say in sync. "What do you say?" Dustin asks us. "Do you really gotta ask?" Erica says speaking for us both. We all turn and face Eddie again. "Lets kill this son of a Bitch" i say. Eddie smirks at me. "The chances if sucess are twenty-to-one" a member speaks up. "Never tell anyone the odds" Dustin states.

"Give me the Dtwenty" Erica demands with her palm out. She aggressively rattles the dice in her hand before letting it go.

"Thats- a- miss" Eddie says in a distorted voice bobbing is head. "Shit" the group say and i slam the table. "Guys i can do this" i say picking the dice up. I slowly rattle it in my hands before letting it go. It rolls for what feels like minutes.


The whole table cheers as i jump in excitement that id won. "Thats why we play princess" he says bowing before me. As we walk out cheering. I catch a glimpse of Lucas, his smile fades and his friend pulls him away before i can even wave.

When im in my car driving home, i turn into Eddie's trailer park and see his car is parked outside. I walk up the stairs before i reach the door. "Chrissy wake up" i. Then hear Eddie scream. I quickly open the door, scared of what id find. The lights quickly flickered making me feel kind of dizzy.

"Eddie?" I shout walking in. He looks at me then at Chrissy who was standing still i front of him. Her eyes were white and she was expressionless. I look at Eddie who looks at me. "Amber?" He questions before quickly looking at Chrissy again.

"Chrissy wake up" he shouts aggressively wiggling her. She slightly floats of the ground. "What the-" Eddie whispers as he jolts his body back. I move next to him. Her body slams onto the ceiling, "Chrissy!" Eddie shouts "Jesus Christ" i shout falling backwards, Eddie does the same. Eddie screams as i whimper. "We gotta get out of here he says as he pulls me out the trailer. I didn't have time to process. I followed him leaving her.

Word count: 1137

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