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When Eddie and i enter we see Nancy and Robin fighting some bat creatures off of Steves body. Eddie stands infront of me hitting a bat out of the way. I focus for a moment before swinging my arms around flinging the bats. When one comes charging towards Eddie i make it splatter just before it hits him, Robin went for them in her direction and Nancy's in hers. When i look over at Steve he quite literally nites one the black blood squirts from his mouth as he spits the remainder of it out on the ground.

We walked in circles realising no more where in sight, "son of a bitch" Eddie shouted hitting one more. "Jesus Christ" Eddie shous again throwing what was left of the ore on the ground. I wipe my nose clearing the blood that had been pouring from it.

"Steve" Nancy runs in his direction in which we all follow her. "Are you okay?" She asks him inspecting the wound. "Well the took about a pound of flesh" he groans, "but other than that. Yeah never better" he laughs a little.

Robin stammers, "do you guys think these bats have like, rabies?" She asks genuinely concerned. We all look at her not knowing how to respond. "It's just that like, rabies is my number one gratest fear and i think we should probably get you to a doctor like really soon" she gasps for air, "because once symptoms set in it's too late your already like dead"

Our attention is the. Caught by the 'squawking' in the sky. I grab Eddie's arms when we see the sight. "All right there's not that many" steve says preparing himself, "we can take em" we look up as we hear more coming closer. "You were saying" Robin sarcastically tells him. "The woods. Come on" Nancy shouts running. We all follow Robin being the last surprisingly yet not that surprising.

We reach what is Skull Rock only its a darker uglier version of it. We hid under the rock, waiting for the go ahead from Nancy. "Oh, okay that was close" Robin says stumbling trying to stand up. "Yeah" i say. Eddie puts his hand out to me helping me up. "Too close" Eddie emphasises.

"Oh, sh...shit" steve stammers falling against the rock, "steve! Jesus" Nancy walks over to him. "Im fine. Im fine" Steve tells her clearly not being fine.

Eddie pulls me to the side not oo far away from everyone else. "What you did over there was pretty bad ass" he says smiling. I liked it when he smiled. "Yeah it was kinda bad ass wasn't it" i laugh. I hold my head. "You okay?" He asks. I nodd, "headache thats it" i say making him not worry. We turn back to the others but Eddie wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"So the good news is I'm pretty sure wooziness is not a symptom of rabies. But if you start having hallucinations or muscle spasms or you start feeling aggressive, like you wanna punch me let me know okay" Robin takes a deep breath from talking foe a long while, "Robin" Steve says. "Yeah" She replies instantly, "i kinda wanna punch you"

"Sense of humour still intact that's a good sighn" she laughs. "Okay" Robin whispers backing up.

Nancy rips a piece of her shirt off and wraps it around Steves torso bindings the wounds. Steve grunts in pain. "Too tight?" She asks him. He shakes his head "thats good"

Eddie lets go of me and climbs the same rock he did in actual Hawkins just that he climbed the scarier one. I watched him contemptly as he carefully mounted it. He looks around. "So this place is like Hawkins, but with monster and nasty shit?" He questions. "Pretty much" i say as he looks directly at me.

He begins walking down. "Wait" i shout at him causing him to hault. "Watch out for the vines, its all a hive mind" i tell him. "Its all a what?"

"Everything in here is like one or something. You step on a vine, you stepping on a bat, your stepping on Vecan" this caught him so watch his step as he walks back down to me "shit"

"Everything from our world is still here, right? Except people?" Robin asks. "As far as I understand yes" Nancy answers. "So theoretically, we could go to the police station and steal guns and grenades and whatever we need to blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate"

I look at Nancy who seems to have the same idea as me. "You have guns right? In your room?" I ask her. A small grin appears on her face. "You, Nancy Wheeler have guns. Plural. In your bedroom?" Eddie asks. "Full of surprises isn't she?" Robin grins. "A Russian Makarov and a revolver" she said sounding proud of herself. "Yeah you almost shot me with that one" steve said walking towards us. "You almost deserved it" she said smirking at him. Eddie throws his denim jacket at Steve making this awkward scene less awkward. "Its for your modesty, dude" Eddie tells him.

Before anyone could catch a breath we tumble to the ground. Eddie cates me and barricades my body as i hold Robin to keep her balanced, Steve grasps Nancy keeping her up. The shaking stops and i let go of Robin but im still tightly within Eddies grasp and im not mad about it at all. He loosens himself in relief but is still close to me. "You okay?"
"Im good you?"
I nodd in reply.

"Yeah so guns seem like a pretty good idea to me" Eddie says breaking the silence. "Yeah me too" Robin states. "So what are we wait for?" Eddie asks rubbing his knee. I help him up.

Steve, Nancy and Robin begin walking without question and Eddie and i follow them. We walk through woods.

We'd been walking for what felt like hours. "I think were getting close. We're almost out here. Dont worry" Nancy reassures us. I keep jogging trying to keep up with their speed i walk along side Nancy and Robin.

"Hey Nance" i say. "Yeah" she replies.
"Sorry but as a sister- foster sister- step sister whatever you wanna call me"
"Just sister is fine-"
"Right yeah. As your sister think its mu duty to you know give you advice you know help you?"
"Amber where is this going" she flashes the touch at my eyes. "Its just your dating jonathan still right?"
She nodds in my direction.
"Sorry if i have the wrong idea but you and Steve-"
"No were just friends she tells me"

The ground suddenly begins to shake again. "Saved by the bell" i say grasping the tree next to us. "Its a good time to say that second on my list of least favourite things, earthquakes. Seriously, im unsteady enough as it is" Robin tells is continuing to shake. Nancy begins running. "Nancy where are you going" i shout still trying to stay up. When she reaches a hault so does the shaking. Everyone runs her direction catching up to her. "Come on" she orders and everyone follows her.

We enter the home. "Might be time to get a maid Wheelers" Robin said looking around the room. "Come on i dont want to stay here any longer than i we have to" Nancy says. We follow her upstairs but i branch off to my room and Eddie follows me.

"Amber" Eddie says and i walk closer to him. "Yeah" i say. He seems nervous. "I really like you, you know that right?" He says slightly stuttering. "No Eddie it wasn't obvious at all" i say. He looks at me confused. I plant a kiss on his lips, he then realises i was being sarcastic and pulls me in for another kiss cupping my face. We smile at eachother. A tear rolls slowly down my face. "I see my reflection in your eyes" i say, "they shine that bright" i add. He wipes the tear away and embraces me into a tight hug. After a while i let go.

"Wait a minute" i whisper. "What?" Eddie questions but i ignore him. I look at the wallpaper. Than at the bed. I rush to Nancy's room who is reading her diary, "noticed anything?" I ask her as she confusingly looks to her diary. "What is it" Eddie questions. I walk over to look at the book. Nancy and i share the same concerned look. "You guys are freaking me out" Robin tells us.

Word count: 1457

I decided to split it into two since this alre has so may words lol

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