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I drive the van until i reach the 'Family Video' store. When i walk in Max and Dustin are there. "Thank god" i whisper walking into the store. "How many phones do you have?" Dustin asks.

"Someone was murdered" Steve exclaims.

"How many phone do you god damn have?"

"Two why?" Steve answers. "Technically three, uf you count keith's in the back" Robin adds.

"Three works" Dustin say looking at Max. Im still confused at the whole situation. Dustin quickly slides over the counter knocking over tapes that looked like they'd freshly been placed. "What are you doing man" Steve shouts.

"Setting up base of operations.

"Base of operations?" Robin asks.

"Get off"

"I need it"

"Need it for what" Steve asks. "Eddies friend's phone numbers" Dustin answers. That quickly caught my attention. "Eddies?" I ask. Dustin turns around nodding.

"Oh Eddie your new best friend you think is cooler because he plays your neardy game?" Steve states clearly jealous. "Yes- wait i never said that" Dustin argues.

"Seriously guys, maybe monday you can play around in here like toddlers but it's Saturday, its our busiest day" robin says.

"Robin I totally emphasise this, but this cannot wait until monday"

"Because calling Eddies friends is an emergency?" Robin restacks the tapes. "Look max can you fill then in while i do this?"

"Fill us in on what"

Once Max had explained everything the two were left babbled. "I was there. With Eddie, in fact i just came from where he is" i say. Robin looks at me as does Steve. "What?" She shouts.

"Hey guys i may have a lead" Max tells us making the awkward conversation stop. "Seriously?" Dustin asks. "Yeah" Max replys. "Apparently Eddie gets drugs from some guy named reefer rick and sometimes Eddie crashes there" she explains.

I then think about where Eddie had took me.

"That sounds promising. Where does this reefer rick live?" Robin asks. "See thats the thing. No one knows, hes more of a legend than someone people actually know."

"I may know" i say, everyone looks at me. "Eddie took me to a house by lovers lake, he said it was his drug dealers house, perhaps is Reefer Ricks house"

They all follow me to Eddies van and hop in. I drive them out to the house. "You sure this is it" Steve reluctantly asks looking out at the house. "Positive" i answer.

I flash a tourch into the windows. He isn't here. "I told him to keep low but he needs to be god damn findable to us "  "aha. I think i know" i say shining the torch the the little boat house.

I start walking towards is and the others follow me. I slowly open the door examining the room. "Hello?" Robin calls out. No reply was heard. "Is anyone home?" She said opting for an answer yet nobody came. "What a dump" steve says closing the door behind him.

I watch as steve turns his flashlight off and picks up an oar, "what are you doing?" I ask as he jabs the oar into the tarp that sat on the boat. "He might be in here" he tells me. "So take the tarp off" Dustin suggests, "if your so brave you take the tarp off"

"Hey look over here" Max says signalling Robin and I over, "someone was here" Max picks up the wrapers and bottles that were left. "Maybe he heard us, got spooked and ran" Robin suggested.

"Don't worry. Steve will get him with his oar" Dustin sarcastically says, "i know your being funny henderson, but considering everyone in this room. Especially Amber, has almost died a hundred times personally i don't find it funny in the slight-"

A body jumps from the boat making us all get scared. The figure pushes Steve up against the wall. I sigh in relief when i see its Eddie. "Woah woah, Eddie. Eddie stop. Eddie! Eddie its me" Dustin says pointing to himself.

"It's Dustin, this is Steve. Hes not going to hurt you right steve" steve nodds aggressively, "steve why dont you drop the oar" he orders. Steve does exactly what Dustin said and drops it.

"What are you doing here?" Eddie asks clearly sweatin, "I brought them. I told you i was getting you help" i say moving in front of the others. Eddie dropps Steve from his grip and kneels down. Dustin and i walk towards him.

"Eddie. We just wanna talk" Dustin says. I slowly go for the shard of glass from his hand but his flinches and holds it tighter.

"We wanna know what happened. Your view" Robin asks kneeling down. "You wont believe me" Eddie says with a shaking voice.

"Try us" Max tells him. "They'll believe you Eddie" i say placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Her body, just like. Lifted into up into the air. And she just hung there. And her bones...uh...she...her bones started to snap" i breathe heavily at the mention of that moment. Eddie looks at me and tries to smile but fails.

"Her eyes man. It was like...it was like something like inside of her head pulling. I didn't- we didn't know what to do so we ran" he almost looks guilty.

"We believe you" Robin reassures him. "Look what im about to tell you might be, A little difficult to take" Dustin states.

"Okay. I can take difficult" he looks toward me.

"You know how people say Hawkins is cursed? They're not way off"

Dustin announces as i comfort Eddie.

"If they're back. We need to know" Max tells him. "That night. Did you see anything?"

"Dark particals maybe?"

"It would almost look like dust. Swirling dust."

"No Dustin. This was different. It was like Chrissy was in a trance or something" i say.

"Or under a spell"

"A curse" Eddie says. I watch their conversation pan out.

"Vecna's curse"

"Who's Vecna?" Steve questions

"An undead creature of great power" i stand up.

"A spell caster" Eddie also stands up. "A dark wizard" he adds.

Word Count: 1016

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