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Im not like any other girl that attends Hawkins High. I have the ability to manipulate the mind of anyone and anything, i can make them see things others can't. I can also move things with just a single thought.

Once being adopted by the Wheeler family i quickly made friends and found my place in society. However, very little people know about my abilities. Not even mike himself knows.


I woke up with the sound of little Holly whispering in my ear. "Wake up Amber" she said sweetly. I woke up contemptly with the noises of the little girl.

"Im up. Im up" i say sitting up on my bed. When Holly left the room I got my clothes on. Loose jeans with a black belt and a tucked Hellfire shirt that was slightly too big for me but i liked it. I could hear Nancy shouting at Mike telling him to get up so that was my cue to sprint down stairs.

"Mike, Amber. Lets go" she says sarcastically swinging her keys around. "Jesus. How am i gonna survive a whole week without you guys?" Mike says grabbing his pop tarts out the toster. I was already walking to the car with Nancy. "Nine" i hear Mrs Wheeler say aggressively shouting to Mike.

I follow Mike to the school gym and sit by him, Dustin and Max. "Look im not saying my girlfriend is better than yours" Dustin says. "Its just that Suzie's like. A certified genius" he continues. "You do realise El saved the world twice, right?" Mike agrgues. Max and i laugh in unison. "Guys really?" They both ignore me. "And yet you still have a C in Spanish" Dustin gives mike a horrifying look. I focus on the jock running. I give Lucas a wave and he returns the gesture.

"Good morning, Hawkins High!" I hear Jason shout. "First off" he pauses. "First off id like to thank each and every one of you. Without your support, we wouldn't be here. Give yourselves a big hand." Everyone cheers at his unhelpful words. "And of course, of course, i have to give a soecial shout out to the best and the prettiest fans of all time, The Tiger Cheer Squad" everyone cheers again. Max and I share the same wft look. "Chrissy...Chrissy, i love you, babe" i roll my eyes in discomfort. "You know, i think i can speak for all of us when i say, its been a tough year for Hawkins. So much loss. And sometimes i wonder, how much loss can one community take? In dark times like this, we need something to believe in. So last night, when we were down by ten points at half to Christian Academy, i looked at my team, and i said think of Jack. Think if Melissa. Think of Heather. Think if Billy" i look to my left where Max was and hold her hand a tear slid slowly down her face. He's using a sensitive topic to big up himself.

"Think about our heroic police chief Jim Hopper. Think about every one of our friends who perished in that fire" it was hard so see that everyone believed it was a fire. It was hard to hide the truth of that night.

"What did they die for?" Jason continues "For us to lose to some...Some crap school?" Dustin lets out a laugh. As if they died for a basketball game.

"For us to return home with our heads hung low in defeat? No! Lets win this game. Lets win this game for them. And that's exactly what we did! We embarrassed those candy-asses in their own house, and now tonight we're gonna bring home the championship trophy!" The cheers deafened my ears. "Tonight? How is that possible" i hear Dustin shout over the cheers. "They call it a tournament" max says, "you win one game you go on until theres only one team left"

We all walk out the gymnasium but Dustin and mike run off to Lucas. I eventually catch up. "I dont get the big deal. Just talk to Eddie. Get him to move Hellfire to another night" i laugh. "Just talk to Eddie" i say.

"Why don't you just talk to your coach and get him to move the game?" Mike emphasises. "I think thats a great idea" i say. "Thanks Amber" Mike laughs. "This is the championship game"

"And this is the end of Eddies campaign. A semester of adventuring has lead to this moment" Dustin moans back. "We need you" i add.

"Yeah and the Tigers dont. You've been on the bench all year" Mike shouts "thats not the point" lucas continues to bitch on about this useless argument. "If i get in good with these guys ill be in the popular crowd. And then you guys will be too" he states. We reached the halls.

"Lucas be real here. Has it ever occurred to you that we don't want to be popular" i say looking at him. "So you wanna be stuck with the nerds and freaks for three more years?" He questiones. "We are nerds and freaks" Dustin says

"hey" i say slapping him across the head, "sorry" he whispers. He does have a point though.

"Look. Im tired of being bullied. Im tired of girls laughing at us. Im tired of feeling like a loser" he says with an upset look on this face.

"Lucas you know your not a loser"

"But i am Amber. We came to highschool wanting something different. This isn't something different" he tells us. "Just talk to Eddie get him to move Hellfire" he beggs. We just stare at him as the bell rings. He walks into his class room and we walk to ours.

Word count: 965

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