Cleo: Yea I agree with you, it's good too keep our options open, but I am sure in a few hours this will all be over.

MC: I think so too, it has to be.

The girls have been a great distraction for now, I definitely needed it, we all do, we carry on chatting when Alan calls us back over to the table, the guys look serious and it's making me feel uneasy, something feels off, and I want to know what it is, even Jake doesn't look at me, they clearly have come up with a plan that I am not going to like.

Alan: Ok so first thing first, the good news is I have heard back from my officers and there is indeed a tunnel from the Dare house, so we have our way in. Secondly we have devised a plan which I shall explain to you shortly, but first MC I told you I wanted to do a background check on Jason Vanderwalt as you say he is the reason why Ulric wants to punish you, but could you think of any other reason that Ulric would want to do that?

MC: No that's all I can think of. Why what's this really about?

Alan: Well my officers ran a background check and nothing came up.

MC: Yea I told you he was a nice guy, so that doesn't surprise me that he doesn't have a criminal record.

Alan: That is not what I mean MC, I mean nothing came up at all.....Jason does not exist,  so is there anything else that you want to tell me?

MC: What?! No I am not lying Alan. We spent everyday together, I didn't just make him up. Call the hospital.

Alan: We did and they have confirmed that they have never had a patient by the name Jason Vanderwalt  at the hospital.

MC: Well that's not's not!! Maybe Ulric took his files to make me look crazy. I promise you he is real.

Alann: MC you were going through a very difficult time, and you said it yourself, Ulric would give you copious amounts of drugs, could it be that Jason was just the friend you needed at the time?

MC: Don't you dare Alan, don't you dare make out that I made Jason up because I was having a hard time. Do you all believe that too?

Jessy: I believe you MC, there has got to be a rational explanation, maybe he just gave you a fake name or something like that.

MC: Thank you Jessy. And you Jake do you believe me?

Jake: Of course I do MC.

MC: Alan I have been nothing but honest with you, you have to believe me.

Alan: I am not saying I do not believe you MC, but if we can not prove Jason is real, then we do not know why Ulric really wants to cause you so much harm.

MC: Yes we do because I have told you, and that's all I am going to say on the matter, so believe what you like. Shouldn't we be more worried about who Ulric is working with as we now know it wasn't Micheal

Alan: I think we can assume for now that, one of the 4 masked people you saw on the video, is working with Ulric, he just wants us to believe that he is still working alone, and if it was not for Richy we would believe just that.

I let out a loud agitated sigh, I don't understand what's just happened but I know Jason is real, there is no doubt in my mind about it, but none of this makes sense to me right now, as I glance around the table I can see the group are not sure what to believe anymore, a few even seem to be doubting my credibility, and to be honest that hurts. Jake places his hand on my back gently rubbing it, giving me reassurance that he believes me, that brings me a little comfort at least.

Lilly: So what's the plan then?? Let's finish this once and for all.

Alan: Ok so we have devised a plan that we believe we will have the most success with, whilst keeping MC safe. So I will be positioning my officers near the hatch to the mine, but not to close as to raise suspicion. Alex, Jake and myself will make entry through the dare house, once i have located Ulric and assessed the situation I will signal my men, and whilst they deal with Ulric we will get the others out to safety, and hopefully then we can put all this to bed, we can not risk Ulric escaping us, so if such an issue arises, my men have been informed to shoot on site.

MC: Well this day is just getting better and better isn't it!

I slam my hands on the table as I stand, and I walk away, i am beyond furious right now, how could Jake agree to this! How is it not ok for me to put myself forward but it's ok for him! Jake follows after me, he reaches for my arm to face me towards him.

Jake: You are mad, I understand.

MC: No you don't Jake. What was all that talk about "we can't have a life together if you're not in it" bullshit! That goes both ways you know, how do you get to tell me not to do something, but you think it is perfectly fine for you to take my place  with out letting me have my say. You made me promise Jake, just so you could take my place and I am suppose to be ok with that. Is that the only reason you told me you loved me?!

Jake: MC please don't ever think that, I told you I love you because I mean it. But I have to do this, I have to know this is finally over. I have to see once and for all with my own eyes that you are actually going to be safe.

MC: Save it Jake! Alan a word in private!

I pull away from Jake and head to Alan, taking him away from the others.

MC: I know I can not stop Jake doing what he wants to do, but I need to ask one thing of you, you need to keep him safe at all costs, I can not lose that man. And if something happens to go wrong Alan and Ulric does escape, then he will come for me and you will never find me without Jake! Please Alan I beg of you, bring him back to me!

Alan: I  understand, and you have my word MC, I will bring him back safe and sound.

I walk over to the table and grab my things, I don't want to be here right now, I'm hoping Jake will change his mind but I know deep down he will not.

MC: Jessy could you give me a ride back to the motel, I need to be alone for a bit.

Jessy: Sure MC but do you really think that's wise?

MC: We know Ulric is waiting in the mines for me so I'm sure I'll be fine, I can't sit here and pretend I am fine with this, I just want to go.

Jessy: Ok MC I guess you are right, I'll take you.

My phone goes off and it's him, I answer it putting it on loudspeaker.


MC: There I guess it's over to you guys now. Alan don't forget what i said. Jessy let's go.

Jessy and I start heading to the door, when Jake grabs me.

Jake: MC please listen to me a minute.

MC: Are you still going?

Jake: Yes.

MC: Then we have nothing to discuss.

Jake: I love you.

As much as it pains me I don't say it back, I just turn and leave, I can not bare to say goodbye, I hope I don't live to regret this decision.


His last breath.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt