Breakfast Debates and Enter, the Two of Spades!

Start from the beginning

Cassandra then got out of bed, took a shower in her dorm room's attached bathroom and changed into the school's uniform shirt, blazer and pants. She saw that one of Hades's spirits had left a black collar with a purple gem strung on it. Assuming it was for Grim, she walked over to her boudoir where he was playing with her jewelry that Hades seemed to have gifted her.

"Grim,", she said, taking her familiar's attention away from the gold necklace he was holding. "I think this is for you.", she said as she held out the collar to him.

Grim smiled widely, "A magic crystal? Thanks, Cas!", he said as Cassandra tied the ribbon collar around his neck.

Cassandra smiled, "Don't thank me, this came from Hades, along with pretty much everything else in this room."

Grim looked at her and blinked, "Whose Hades?". He asked.

Cassandra picked him up and made her way to the door, "He's the god of the dead, wealth and ruler of the underworld. He's also one of the great seven, the people whose values this school was founded upon. You were asleep when we did our research in the library, so I'll tell you more about them when we pass their statues on main street later. Sound good?" , she said smiling.

Grim nodded, "Yeah. So, can we eat breakfast now?", he asked.

Cassandra chuckled, "Yes, we can.", the two made their way down stairs, noticing the renovated dorm. Everything except her room seemed to look like a modernized version of their original appearance.

"Good morning!", Cassandra called out as she flitted about, getting herself and Grim two plates of blueberry pancakes and sausage. She kissed each of her mates, who were seated at the green painted circular table in the center of the kitchen and sat down between Eiji and Shorter. She then noticed that everyone was wearing the NRC uniform, and that her mates looked very nice in it.

"Morning, dear. So, does anyone know our schedule?", asked Eiji.

Cassandra dug into her breakfast, "No, but I assume the headmaster will come here to tell us. In the meantime, I do believe we have yet to decide on a person to found our dorm upon. Any ideas?", she asked.

Ash spoke up, "How about Oogie Boogie from 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'? He has a pretty cool motif."

Cassandra opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Yue, "I am not living in a dorm themed after a literal bug filled burlap sack. Hell no. Counter idea, how about Shan Yu? I think we can all agree that, despite the fact we have very different opinions on his movie, he would be a good fit from a villain standpoint.", he said as he finished his breakfast.

Shorter shook his head, "No, we need something that will represent all of us. Someone that embodies a trait we all share.", he said.

As soon as he said this, Cassandra got an idea, "What about Dr. Facilier? He was a magic-using, fast talking, New Orleans resident. Not all of us have lived there our entire lives, but we can't deny that the city is a part of us."

Everyone exchanged looks, before nodding and mumbling in agreement.

Cassandra smiled, "Then it's settled. Our dorm will be founded upon the charisma of the Good Doctor.", she said as she started thinking of how she was going to decorate the dorm and design uniforms to match Facilier's motif.

Her musings were interrupted by the sound of a tapping foot, whose owner was discovered when everyone turned to face them. It was the headmaster, looking rather impatient.

"Oh, you again. Come to give us our schedules?", Yue asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, I also came to give you your uniforms and magic pens, Mr...", Crowley trailed off annoyed.

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