Yes sir

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August 22nd 2022

It's been a week and a half, i've watched more Disney channel then I have in my life. Binging bluey and Jessie along with so classic Dcoms as well. At home this would be perfect, cuddled up with Ameiras cat we would watch them together. I would over eat so much sugar and then fall asleep on the couch in my pink satin pjs that Ameira got me. But it's different here, because I know i'm just doing it to avoid thinking about mg situation

I've also tried on everything in the closet (besides the lingerie) Even though I kinda want to.... Again, the closet was a dream but the dream was dimmed when I was faced with reality of who's closet this belongs to.

On the third day Vincenzo knocked on the door.


"Come in," He walked in holding a basket. Curiosity filled my head. When I saw him start to look down at me, I looked away at the tv screen.

If I look at him I'll fold. I'm weak at the hands of Stockholm syndrome.

"A few things for you until you decide to come out again Arabella" I just nod. But it's not like he would let me out anyway, maybe he just want to here me scream for him to let me out.

But I won't do it.

As he shut the door behind him I ran to the basket that was placed on the end table of my bed. I opened up the big pink basket to reveal what was inside. I rolled my eyes at the perfect pink lillie's.

Those are my favorite.

Inside there were differnet snacks all in pink or white packages.

Then there was girl stuff. Like pads, Tampons, a hairbrush, a razor, and extra makeup wipes. Plus three different kinds of mascara.

I hate that i don't hate him. I hate that this is the nicest thing anyones ever done for me.

I wish I didn't meet him when he kidnapped me.

I rolled over in bed, hugging the pink dino stuffy that was also in the basket.

That was the last I saw him, 4 days ago when he dropped the stuff off. Someone would leave meals at my door every few hours, but I'm not sure if it was him.

I selfishly hoped it was.


After another episode of Jessie finished, I removed the cover and slipped out of bed, I kept my pj's on and slipped on my slippers.

My pjs were just another long t-shirt from the closet and boxer shorts from the underwear drawer, plus my white nike socks.

It all smelled the like him.

I slowly make my way to the door. Expecting it to be locked I was shocked when it opened. I didn't take another thought as I slipped out the door and closed it softly but not all the way, so I could still get back in. Just in case it automatically locked.

I quietly moved down the long stair case. I heard voices, Vincenzo's house always seemed to be filled with people. I slowly tip toe down the hall-

wait. why am I tip toeing.

He left the door unlocked. I let my feet pitter patter down the hall as I hear the voices get quieter, I bite my lip hoping they aren't getting softer because they heard me.

I'm stopped when an unfamiliar large man is standing in front of me, "Vincenzo! C'è una bambina nel tuo corridoio." The man shouted loudly causing me to step backwards, but something about his glare told me I should stay.

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