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August 10th 2022

The car dropped us off at the front as the driver began to park somewhere. I stood still shaking from cold and fear. The truth is he didn't seem that mean, I'm also aware I'm saying that with the knowledge of him killing someone. But he didn't do what I expected from a kidnapper.

His figure came up from behind me, his hand resting on my back as he leans down, pretty far might I add.

He makes this travel to whisper in my ear, "There will be people inside, stay by me and don't speak. You will be okay. No one is gonna touch you don't worry."

I felt strange comfort in his words.

okay shut up i hear myself.

But he spoke with such confidence and reassurance, the point where I genuinely believed that I would get hurt by the people in there.

I just nod silently and let him guide me to the front where he uses face scan to open the door, rich.

"Non essere sciocco Mario gli ho sparato subito, è stata questa piccola cosa a distrarmi," a loud man shouts as he comes drunkenly scrambling to us. I hear other loud banter from down the hall.

Smokey Man angerily replied to the man with no patience whatsoever, "Non essere sciocco Mario gli ho sparato velocemente, era questo piccolino che mi ha fatto distrarre"

The man who was conversing with Smokey man suddenly looked down at me as if just realizing I was there, "oh ciao, I feel foolish to not have noticed you bella ragazza. I am Mario, a dear friend of Vincezo's-"

Smokey man, who I guess is Vincenzo cleared his throat stopping Mario from speaking, "partire Mario."

Without another word Mario smiled timidly and left back down the hall tripping on his on feet as he mumbled random words in Italian.

"Follow me Arabella" Vincenzo said as he guided me again up the large stairs. I followed mindlessly taking in the beautiful building around me.

I think I'm in denial.

We stopped when we got to a door at the end of the hall, he opened the door with a padlock before we walked inside. It was bigger than any apartment or room i'd ever seen.

A beautiful canopy bed with a cream comforter and silk pillows. To my left there was a decorated window seat. The kind I always dreamed of as a child.

There was a small table and a large tv to the right. And two doors on either side of the bed, one maybe a closet and the other a bathroom.

I get broken from my tour when Vincenzo's deep voice speaks from behind me, "Sleep now Arabella, we will discuss in the morning. And for your sake Arabella, do not try to escape."

With that he left, I heard the door lock. As I sat on the bed.


Why did i have to panic and leave the club. Why couldn't I have just stayed.

Then I would've been fine. I bet Ameira is worried sick, she's probably texted me a million-

wait. TEXT. TEXT. My phone.

I reach into my tote bag. But it's not there. he took it.


I'm locked in a scary mansion, with scary italian men, and I have no way out. He said for my sake I should not escape, but if he was so hungry for another kill why couldn't he just do it then. It would save more time.

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