How do you like your eggs?

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August 11th 2022

I watched the small girl bury her face in her hands, trying to cry as silently as she could. I wanted to comfort her but I knew she wouldn't let me.

I'm the one she needs comfort from.

After a few minutes I slowly sat down next to her on the side of the bed. I'm not sure if she noticed or not, but i whispered something in hope of her finding comfort in my voice, "Andrà tutto bene angelo"

She slowly looks up at me, tears still in her eyes before she quickly wipes them away. No use really her nose, eyes, and cheeks are bright red.

She shakes her head showing a big frown on her beautiful face, "Why cant you just kill me, I don't understand."

I couldn't kill you if i wanted to Piccolo

I look down at her wishing I knew the answer. In any other case, that meaning if it wasn't her, I would've killed the watcher in the alley aswell. No second thought.

And I have every reason to kill her, so much to gain. So why the fuck cant I kill her.


He won't answer me. I don't understand. Every thing i've learned about ruthless killers in suits was that half of their victims are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

That was me. I was supposed to be a victim.

So why why wouldn't he kill me.

I look at him again, "why cant you kill me. Answer"

shoot, i think that sounded cooler in my head.

"I would've told you Bellissima but, I prefer when being asked with manners," he looks down at me and I cant read him. Is he mad.

I try a different approach, he reacts well when I do what he says, "Please."

He smirks as he adjusts him self on the bed, "How about we get up go downstairs get some breakfast, yeah?"

Is he for real.

I wipe my dried tears and fan my face trying to make my self seem okay. I don't even try to argue again, I follow him to the door as we make our way to breakfast.

I began to hear voices mixtures of the word "tette" and "Fanculo".

I look up at Vincenzo as he looks down at me. "Don't worry it's just, Mario and some other guys slept over. Don't talk, you'll be fine."

I nodded and stayed closer behind him. Not that I trusted him, but I didn't know these strange men. "Ehi Vincenzo chi è questa bella ragazza che nascondi" yelled a man next to Mario.

He was tall, shorter than Vincenzo but still tall. Maybe 6'3. He had light brown hair and dark brown eyes to match. His smile was wide as he stared down at me. It made me nervous but a little excited, his smile was to big and genuine to be evil.

"Hello Bella, I'm Enzo. I've never met one of Vinnies lady friends before. Well except those two times" He then winks at Vincenzo.

How does he know my nickname?

"That's enough Enzo. You two need to go home." Enzo starts to speak but Mario cuts him off by grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the door.

As they walk past me, Mario grabs my hand and kisses it softly. I giggle and blush, "Divertiti con il diavolo, bella ragazza".

With a glare from Vincenzo and a giggle from me, the men leave.

I smile to myself and speak to no one in particular when I say, "I like him"

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