I made my way to the door and I saw the group waiting for me

"Well let's go then."

We started to make our way toward the student council room we saw some zombies but nothing to special, the zombies have been dying down that makes sense though as there is less and less people getting infected due to them adapting and overcoming them


We finally arrived at the front entrance of the student council room it was awfully quiet, though they could of soundproofed the room.




*Sigh* "Guess no-one is home."

"Couldn't we just kick the door down Senpai?"

"I guess that is true let's do it."



"FBI OPEN UP!!!" Jeez Ichika you didn't have to destroy my eardrums like that.


Ichika kicked down the door and walked inside the room

"So no-one is here, guess we can go." At least check the room Ichika 

"Yep I was half excepting them to be behind the door here but whatever." 

"Arisu where else do you think they would be at? I'm asking since you were trying to apply for student council once so I thought you would know."

"Hmm only other place I could think of is the 3rd year dorms?"

"Okay well let's start heading over there."


We then started to make our way to the third year dorms and of course we found nothing that would be interesting while on the way.

When we arrived at the dorms we saw some commotion happening with some zombies we cleared them out and now we were in the lobby.

"Mkay let's go find the list with all the peoples dorm number on them."

"Okay senpai."

After some searching we found the list inside the receptionists desk everyone decided to go toward nagumo's room we didn't want to but we had to since that's where the student council  members or just people in general would probably be or near there.

After running some 3 stories upward we finally arrived at nagumo's room we knocked and knocked...

"No-one answered time to knock on everyone's door."

After a hour of knocking on doors we finally got a response.

it was the very last door room number so we knew where it came from.

"OK ENOUGH knocking on do-"

"Ok AYANAKOJI you're still alive?"

"Why wouldn't I Nagayamo."

"Fufu that's a good nickname."

I heard Masumi's cute laughter and Ichika's laughter too Vadir was trying to hold in his laughter. And Nagumo had a visible irk on his face 

"Enough just leave already."

"Fine fine but what about the other third years."

"I don't have time to argue I've been arguing for the past hour now so just leave."

"Oh you been arguing does that mean that there is third years in your room?"

"You know what yes there is now just LEAVE."

"Ok let's go everyone that's what we all needed to go bye Nagayamo."

"Ok bye bye Nagayamo."

"Bye Nagayamo."

"Nagayamo bye bye."


As we were leaving you could see Nagayamo's face it was completely red from anger.


End of chapter as usual bye bye 

Words 853

COTE: Undead NightmareDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora