PART 17: Relationship Drama .1

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Rebecca's P.O.V.

I was worried.

Connor had left with Jack and Godrick last afternoon. They were looking for Evelyn who had gone missing and I thought it was stupid.

Evelyn didn't need help. She was Evelyn freaking Duncan. She was probably fine, no doubt she was off having one of those adventures she never took me on.

Melissa didn't believe that though. She said that Evelyn wouldn't have an adventure without her, she thought something had happened to her. But that couldn't be true, because if something happened to her... then how would we take care of this house?

We needed Evelyn to keep the house running. No Evelyn and this house was useless. We've have to find somewhere knew to live. This was the coolest place ever, and I really, really didn't want to leave.

So we had started watching windows, hoping we'd see something. Anything. Preferably Evelyn returning completely fine.

Then we could tell her that the boys had run off to rescue her and left us behind. Evelyn would be mad, of course. She'd roll her eyes and huff and be mad that she'd have to go find the boys cause they were her responsibility and she had to make sure that they survived.

We had watched all through the night. We both ended up falling asleep on the couch, which was not good for my back or my beauty sleep.

In the morning, Melissa shook me awake and I went back to watching the window. Melissa had made us breakfast, but we hadn't been hungry. We had been too worried to eat. I managed to get down two pancakes, a couple eggs and some bacon but that was it. Then we went back to the living room.

We were kneeling on the couch, leaning against the back of it, looking out the large window in the living room. Waiting for the cars to start coming back.

Melissa had kept the drawbridge down, and a few zombies had wandered onto the property but we weren't nervous about that.

Evelyn could handle zombies.

So when we finally spotted some sort of movement, too big and too fast to be anything other than a vehicle, we were excited. Nothing really came out our way except Drifters.

We could make out something big heading our way, but all we could see in the dark winter morning was the glow from the headlights. I figured from a truck of sorts, though it was bouncing a lot.

It had to have be specially modified too, because the lights were green.

But as we watched it get closer, we realized that, well, headlights on a truck weren't that high up.

Then I realized that it wasn't even a truck.

This was something else. This was something large and moving towards us.

Melissa, however, was completely calm.

I was not.

The thing had fur! Fur! It had to be The Beast. It had to be.

It was probably going to pass us, yeah, it had to be passing us. Why would the Beast come here? It had never come here before. It wasn't like we were making enough noise to attract it to us either. Nor was there enough food here to attract it.

As it got closer to the house I could see that it was a tiger. The Beast was a tiger. That was something new, a new bit of information. No one really knew what the Beast was, but now I could tell them.

That was exciting for all two seconds before I realized that it was still heading for our house. The drawbridge was down, yes, but it was probably too big to pass through it safely. The thing was huge the wall wasn't going to keep it out at all.

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