PART 10: Eviction Notice .3

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The ride to the Shady House was nerve wracking. Yes, Evelyn had agreed to take me back with her, but would it work out in my favour? Maybe if things looked too bleak with Evelyn I could go with Jack, he and Godrick had accompanied us back to the house with a handful of men. I'm sure if I told him I changed my mind and wanted to go with him, he'd take me.

I might regret that too, but again, if things didn't look good with Evelyn, I was sure I could make it work to my favour with him.

When we finally got to the house, instead of having us go to the front entrance, where we could see the draw bridge was pulled up, she made us go to the back. I had purposely avoided the back wall , when I first broke in, because of all the foliage that had grown up around it. I figured it was a trap, it probably had all sorts of hidden nasty things inside it. Also, it was basically a back wall of hedges, I couldn't even see the wall.

Evelyn, however, foraged through it until she finally came to the wall. She pushed all the branches aside that she could until she reveated a big huge metal box. Evelyn pulled a key out from under her shirt and unlocked the box. Inside was a touch panel like the ones she had on the doors to her house.

As Evelyn played with the box I looked around, I noticed that there seemed to be oddly shaped rocks around the base of one hedges. They looked almost like letters.

It was Jack who said: "What is that?" and then all of us were looking at the wall.

Jack stepped forward and brushed the ivy and branches away until the words became visible.

Chez D glittered in the fading sunlight. Evelyn glanced up at it and then went back to her work on the touch panel.

"It's just the name, the address used to be up there too. I guess it fell off," she said absently.

"Wait, wait. Your house is called Chez D?" Jack asked. Evelyn stopped whatever it was she was doing to look up at the ivy covered sign. Almost as if she had forgotten it was there herself.

"Well it used to be Chez Duncan," Evelyn replied. "But then the Uncan fell off so now it's just Chez D."

Jack and I exchanged glances. That's where Shady House came from. Not because of all the shady things Evelyn had going on there, but because of that was the actual name of her house. Granted it was French but none of us had known that before.

There was a pause where we all just exchanged glances, and then we all broke out into giddy, amused giggling about our discovery. All of that was interrupted by a low glaring alarm, a sort of shrill beeping sound.

We turned to Evelyn who was closing the box and returning the lock to it. She turned around and took in our confused and concerned faces with her own sort of confusion. She probably had no idea why all of us looked so afraid, she probably forgot that she hadn't briefed us on her plan.

"The drawbridge is lowering," one of the Drifter's said from his perch on the jeep we had driven here in.

Evelyn nodded. "Well, how else are the zombies going to get out?" she asked.

At that we all scrambled back to the trucks, using their rooves to see over the wall and sure enough zombies were all rushing out of the house. A set of seven zombies were rushing back to the compound but all the others were heading for the newly lowered drawbridge.

"Wait, so your house let the zombies in and then pulled up the drawbridge?" I asked.

Evelyn, who had stayed on the ground merely nodded and if that were a completely logical thing for a safe house to have done.

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