PART 10: Eviction Notice .4

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Connor's P.O.V.

Once the Drifters were gone, we were all told to go into the house. Melissa, the unspoken leader of all those in trouble, led us into the living room where we all sat upon the couch and waited. There was silence except for Evelyn who wandered around the house inspecting damage and talking to herself under her breath that none of us could hear.

I wondered why I had been put with these people, the ones that had apparently betrayed her. I hadn't betrayed her, in fact in comparison I hadn't caused her much trouble.

Other than crashing her car, that is.

She did really love that car. Maybe she considered my stealing and subsequently crashing it as a betrayal?

"She tried to kill me," came out in a harsh whisper that was immediately shushed by everyone sitting. It had come from the red haired woman, my age, with flawless freckled skin and beautiful eyes. I didn't think anyone could be that beautiful in a zombie apocalypse but she pulled off grunge and sleeplessly dirty very well.

"It was your own damn fault, you're the one that wouldn't shut up," One of the other men snapped. "You just had to get rid of Evelyn, and you just had to back-talk her when she got back!"

He was the man with glasses who had slung an arm around her so she could melt into his side for comfort. Of course the pretty girl would have a man already. Even in an apocalypse she would have a significant other. But judging by the glasses and demeanour nerdy seemed to be her type so maybe I had a chance to sway her if I put my mind do it.

Evelyn came into view again from pounding down the stairs, the house smelled musty and it seemed she was talking to herself about finding a way to air it out.

"Evelyn," Melissa called and she stopped in her tracks and turned around. She appeared in the door way, her face a mask of disinterest and slight anger. It dawned on me that I hadn't seen a single positive emotion cross her face unless they were speaking of Steve.

That was a stark difference between her and Brandon. Brandon was always smiling, always trying to be positive and happy. Evelyn didn't seem to care about that and that was a little... upsetting.

"We need to discuss what's going to happen," she said and Evelyn's face went from blank to cross in less than one second. Still she sighed and came forward and stood in front of the five of us on the couch.

"Okay. Here's what's going to happen," Evelyn growled. "I have to replace everything that you guys ate and broke before the snow falls and then we're going to hibernate. To do that, I'm going to be out of here at all hours of the day and night. I have two injured parties that apparently are going to need doctor check-ups and three I can't trust."

"That's not true," the man with glasses pipped up. "You can trust me and Keith."

I noted that when he didn't add the girl's name she hiccupped a bit like she was about to sob but one glare from Evelyn shut her right up.

"Debatable," Evelyn said quickly which caused the other two men to frown, their shoulder's sagging. "But I'm willing to give you guys one more shot if it'll keep Melissa from bugging me while I work. When I'm not here the house is going to go on sleep mode, not that it'll matter for you guys because I'm going to be locking you in the basement."

There was a roar of outrage from everyone, even me. Why the hell was I being punished for? Evelyn put her hands up and we all fell silent, staring at her with expectant stares. This better be one hell of a good explanation.

"Obviously my two injured parties will not be locked up. But the ones I can't trust, unless they're coming with me, will be locked in the basement with food, water and a washroom. And no... no access to any of the weapons or supplies rooms," she continued. "Better?"

"Not really," the man with glasses grumbled.

"Well... you should have thought about that before you conspired to kill me," Evelyn snapped. "Now, can I go back to making my list?"

Melissa rolled her eyes but nodded. Evelyn whirled around and walked away, disappearing down a second set of stairs that evidently lead to the basement. When she was gone Melissa pivoted her body on the couch she could face the three beside her and glare at them.

"You see what we've been regaled to?" she snapped. "All because someone didn't like Evelyn getting all the attention!"

The red-head's face colored, almost as red as her hair. The two men were glaring at her too. "That's not true," she whispered, almost weepily, but it wasn't convincing.

Melissa huffed at her. "Bullshit. You've always been jealous of anyone getting more attention than you since I met you. We all remember what happened to Alicia. She smiled once at Will and then she suddenly fell down a flight of stairs into the arms of an awaiting zombie. Quite coincidental considering you were the only one with her at the time and the only one who could corroborate that she had fallen and not been pushed."

The red-head avoided everyone's eyes, but said nothing. Melissa sighed. "Look guys. This isn't that bad. We can totally get her to trust us again. We just have to prove that we're useful," she told them. "It's gonna be rough, but in the long run it's going to be worth it. I promise."

There was a brief silence before the man with glasses turned to her and asked: "Did Steve break your leg?"

Melissa looked down, and I tried my very hardest to not look interested in the conversation taking place beside me. "No," she replied softly. "Evelyn did. Trust me, if Steve had been there when I attacked her, I wouldn't be alive right now."

The silence returned this time heavier than before. I guessed that the others hadn't met Steve, only Melissa. I waited briefly to see if anyone would add anything else but no one did.

"I'm Connor by the way," I said, figuring I might as well introduce myself. "Evelyn didn't break my leg, I got hit by a Drifter car."

That got me nothing but murmurs. I could tell these people were going to be super welcoming.

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