I looked back and yelled at them, "Try not to get killed, you two!" I waved bye and that's when the two of us ran into Harry, Hermione, Ron, Draco and some others I don't care for. They all fell to the floor as they jumped out of the room of requirements. I watched as the doors shut and my eyes widened at the sign of a cloud of Voldemorts. They broke another horcrux, "What the bloody hell?"

Immediately they stood up all blasted spells at us.

Severus just looked at me annoyed, "Mrs. Snape, you think we should ignore the children?" I smiled and looked at Severus as a protection shield stood in front of us.

"Why yes I do Mr. Snape." I smiled and took his hand running away from them. I could sense Snape looking back at them and smirking somewhat. "This shouldn't be as fun as it is."

"Well we haven't come across a dead body quite yet..."

My mood darkened as I watched Greyback devouring a student, "Oh..." Severus quickly rotated me so I was looking at it straight on. He rubbed my arms in comfort as he guided me away.

"Shake it off...we saw nothing." I looked at him and took a deep, shaky breath.

"Okay...Severus I-" Right as I went to tell him I love him Lucius walked around the corner and pointed at us.

"You, Severus! The dark lord would like to speak with you." I furrowed my brows and was quickly dragged by Severus.

Once out of Lucius's ear range I whispered to him, still be dragged, "I love you Severus." He looked back at me not slowing down one bit.

He smiled even though I could see he was scared, "I love you too Y/n." We both trudged down the stairs to the boat house and froze for a slight moment as we saw Voldemort stroking the elder wand as Nagini slithered beneath his feet.

"Ah Severus and." He paused and smiled, "Y/n." A cold shiver clawed down my spine, "Y/n stand beside me while I speak with Severus." I stood still and he nodded his head motioning me to come, "It'll be okay, just split from him for a moment." I looked at Severus before looking down and moving besides Voldemort. Everythings okay, he just wants to talk...

"My lord, what is it you want to talk about?"

"The elder wand. It seems to not be reaching its full potential, as if I'm not its true master."

"My lord I can assure you the wand calls to you and you only." I kept looking back and forth from Severus to Voldemort anxiously. I don't know anything about the deathly hallows...

Voldemort seems to sound hissy, "Does it?" There was a moment of silence, all I could hear was Nagini slithering, she's hungry.

"M-my lor-" Voldemort sliced his wand through the air, cutting Severus off. It sliced his neck in a clean straight line, everything seemed fuzzy as I watched him collapse against the wall and down to the floor.

"N-no...NOOO!" I screeched as I reached to go comfort him. Voldemort immediately held me back with all of his strength.

"Nagini kill." He hissed loudly and I watched Severus try to block the snake and shake each time it brutally dug its fangs into him. Voldemort held me and whispered into my ear, "It's for our perfect society. His sacrifice is good." I continued to screetched trying to free myself from his grasp.


"You can not save him Y/n. I'm making you stronger with his sacrifice." As the snake slithered back to Voldemort I was released and immediately fell besides my love as the dark lord apparated away. The ground was cold and flooded with water. At least his wounds are higher up, or else the water would cause him to bleed blood faster...

"It's ok, I'm here." I sniffled and held my hands above him ready to heal him however his weak cold hands used all his strength pulling my hands away.

"Don't...you..." He closed his eyes tightly, stopping himself from screaming from the pain, "You promised." I stared at him drenched in tears and shook my head no.

"No no no NO! You promised me nothing would go wrong!" I held his neck, his blood was warm and quickly coated my hand. However his skin was turning cold...I started to add pressure hoping to stop blood flow, keeping him here for as long as possible. Harry and his friends quickly ran from around the corner and Harry knelt down beside me.

"Professor I- I-" Severus pointed at his tears and hardly managed to let out these next words.

"Take them." Another pool of tears escaped my eyes, he sounds like he's drowning. I watched as Hermione quickly dug through her bag and tossed Harry an empty vile. I looked away kissing Severus's hand as I held it tightly. "Y-you have your mothers eyes." I watched Severus take one final breath and he looked over at me with dead cold eyes instead of his usual warm galactic eyes.

Authors Note: Bare with me :,))

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