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Y/n watched as Venni mourned the death of her son. Shimmer shattered from its containment. Silco starred at the broken glass in thought. She had been through that way too much.

"You know anything about the peace of shit that murdered my boy!? Let me guess, jinx will take care of it." She vented heartbroken. "Just like she's been taking care of everything else."

Y/n sighed crouching down in front of Renni. Meeting her eye as she did.

"We mourn the loss of you son. But that's why we keep going no matter how many fall we make it better for those who have yet to come." Y/n explained as Silco placed a hand against her shoulder.

The woman stood. Taking her leave with her husband.

"I keep loosing people. It's messing with my head." She muttered placing a hand against her temple. Messaging it gently.

Silco wrapped an arm over her shoulder placing a gentle kiss against her face. He loved this woman more than anything in this world. The small things she did, holding him, working for him, taking care of every little thing for him.

He wouldn't have golden as far as he did if it wasn't for her. At this point he felt more than love for the woman. Emotions he could even explain or put into words. A heaven sent that was placed into his life to keep the man straight, give him something to fight for.

She even brought a daughter to him. Someone he could hold and love like his own kin. He needed everything to work. So life could go smoothly. So that he could grown old with her and give her all the luxury things she deserved.

Silco would go hell and back for this woman. Looking through the paper work on his desk he couldn't help but let his mind wonder. The scotch that sat in his glass shining the beautiful bronze colour.

Y/n leant against his desk beside him. Fiddling with the golden band around her finger. Looking out the window just behind him. That was until the door crept open.

Three people strolling in. Y/n turned cocking a brow at them. Having a vast dislike for the Finn. He was too far up his own arse craving for all the wrong things. Venni was a mother in mourning but that gave her no excuse for being a bitch.

Sevika nodded at Y/n before turning her gaze to Silco. The two always had a strange relationship. A high regard of respect for one another. She only hoped it still lasted.

"We're busy."

Sevika grabbed a wooden chair, wiping the top. Y/n cocked a brow leaning against the desk watching as Finn sat. Still playing with that fucking lighter. The woman took her stand behind Y/n. Although the two trusted their lives in her hands.

"When you took Vander out of play, I thought, now here's a man who understands what it takes to run an enterprise. The attitude, the instinct, the eye. The whole package you were always two steps ahead. But times lapped you old man." Y/n scoffed at this Finn turning his gaze to her. "I always wondered how Silco got a woman like you. So beautiful, cunning to insanely remarkable to me."

"You're too young to remember what the under city was before it became an 'enterprise'. We had nothing. You know what bought us through those times?"

"Loyalty." Y/n spoke standing up straight inches Away from Sevika.

"Brothers and sisters back to back against whatever the world threw at us. Now we're forced to share the air with parasites like you, who leach of their legacies."

"Today's the day you die, Silco. Then Y/n will have no one but me."

Silcos jaw clenched at this hiding his eyes with his hand to not glare at him. Y/n's fists tightened at her side. Watching in her side eye as Sevika raised her blade.

"That's a risk I've known all my life."

"But we still believe in loyalty."

Sevika placed an arm around Y/n pulling the woman into her chest as she sliced her blade. Y/n hummed in please leaving against the large woman. Staring down at Finns dead body.

Patting her chest she moved to Silco, leaning against his desk facing him again. He took the cigar watching his wife.

"We're you tempted?"

"Not for a worm like him. But he won't be the last."

Silco pulled the woman onto him. Leaning his face into the crook of her neckZ blowing out a small breath of smoke. The letter still stuck in his mind.

Y/n brushed her hand through his greying hair, loving the silver strands in joy. Happy she could spend moments like these with her husband.

If only they could last.


Y/n sighed pulling her coat closet on her body. Watching over the waves crashing against the docks she was proposed to. The docks she adored with all her heart.

"If only we were born lucky then we wouldn't be in this situation. Loosing the people we love, hurting those around us. All in the name of creating and doing better." She paused taking a breath of cool air. "Maybe it goes deeper than that. If our cities weren't split in two, then we would have never had to fight piltover. What do you think powder?"

Y/n turned fluttering her lashes at her daughter. The blue haired girl stepping out. Straight face while staring at her beautiful mother. The wind blowing through her hair, light reflecting of her skin. She was ever so perfect.

"I love you baby."

Powder smacked the barrel of her gun into the side of her mother's head. Tears brimming her eyes as she caught her. Cradling her mother close.

"I know mom."

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