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Tiles cracked and shifted under the new weight that presses against them. Only for a short amount of time before the woman sped across to another spot. Shouting and running from below made her speed up. The bag that clung to her back rattled with metals and objects she found of value.

Spotting a small drop down into the alley, she made her move. Sliding down the roof slamming against the pavement harshly. Still she kept running keeping up her pace to not be caught by the men in blue. Puffing deep breaths through her lungs that burnt every time they expanded.

Turning once again towards the main road towards the bridge that separated her and her home. Glancing back the woman was met with the men aiming their weapons straight towards her. Before setting them off. Her heart quickened completely forgetting the burning in her chest and legs. Pushing herself faster than before.


Two man shouted trying to capture her arms but missing by mere inches. She laughed softly before jumping off the side of the bridge. Down towards the harsh waters below.

The group of enforcers barrelled towards the edge. Wanting to be the first to see her body smack harshly against the blue waves. However found nothing. Furrowing their brows I'm confusion and started shouting a list of commands to others.

Y/n tilted her head back. Taking deep breathes to calm her beating heart. Her knuckles turning white by how hard she gripped the wooden beams.


Swinging herself across the rest of the way. Finally getting the enforcers off her back. Dropping down to the docks that sat facing Piltover. Her face contorting into disgust at the thought of the city.

Placing her thin hands against her hips she began to pace her breathing. Wind blowing against her h/c hair slightly messing it up.

"You've got the face of a smacked arse!"

Someone called followed by a heavy laugh. Y/n rolled her eyes pulling off the bag that sat against her shoulders. Finally lifting all that weight before throwing it into large mans chest. He caught it with a grunt silencing his laughter. She cracked a half grin, sending the man a wink. Stuffing her hands into the pockets of her black overcoat.

His dark brow hair was brushed back neatly, some strands peaking out and sticking to his bronze skin. Sending a small glare towards the small woman. Tossing the bag over his shoulder.

"You're welcome!" She teased walking towards him, the two turning towards the underground entrance. "Whatcha' need that stuff for anyway?"

Vander glanced towards her with a cocky smirk. Tapping his fingers against the leather straps, holding open the lift gates for her to enter. Y/n entered body jolting slightly when it moved.

"Need an upgrade for my gloves, Silco's helpin-"

"Silco?" Y/n interrupted cocking a brow towards her tall friend. His smile widened as the lift opened revealing their home.

"Oh yeah! You've been kinda MIA for the past month, I met some lad who's just as much as a hater to Piltover than us. We've been talking about making the underground into Zaun!"

"What's Zaun?" She asked completely confused.

"I'll get him to explain, he's back at mine. Waiting for me to get back." Y/n hummed ignoring the stares she received.

Y/n was well known amongst the underground. Always causing trouble with Piltover by how many rules she broke. If you needed something she could get it. For a large some of money of course.

The two entered the loud bar being instantly greeted by friends and customers. Y/n just have either a nod or a small hello to some good friends. They led down towards the living area.

The room was large, fitted with couches and a table. She noticed the figure standing amongst the head. Back turned to them. She could make out their red and black matching outfit. Along with long dark hair that was pulled back into a high man bun. She cocked a brow following Vander into the room.

"Hey brother! I'm back!"

Tossing the bag against the wooden table. The man gave no reaction. Continuing to mess around with some junk. Y/n made her way along the other side of the table, opposite to Vander, leaning against the wall.

She took a long look at the front of this mysterious man. His jaw clenched as he focused on working. Beautiful blue eyes lidded. High cheekbones, pale skin, structured jaw. He was oddly handsome.

"Took you long enough." He greeted Vander gently placing down his creation. Glancing towards Y/n's figure. Eyes scanning her face before doing a quick glance at her body. He nodded towards her before turning to his friend with a cocked brow.

Vander ignored his questionable look, grinning widely at Y/n. She leaned forwards slightly looking over all the objects that sat on the table.

"This is Y/n, an old friend of mine who's kindly gathered the rest of your supplies!" Silco turned his gaze towards the woman. Their eyes meeting. Neither wanting to break eye contact as they stared at one another. "Y/n, that's Silco. The man who wants to make something of our home."

"Pleasure meeting you. Vander mentioned something about Zaun?" She grew slightly nervous at his stare. Fiddling with with fingers that now rested on the white shirt of her midsection.

Silco hummed taking a seat on the stool beside him. Body facing the attractive woman. Vander wondered towards the couch deciding now was a good time to take a long seat.

"Yeah, We talked about creating a new place. Rather than being called the underground a city of criminals and nobodies that are looked down upon to being something better." He explained. She nodded understanding his view.

Everyone in Piltover was scared or disgusted of her home. It broke her heart because there were some truly amazing people here that just wanted better.

"How do you expect to do this?" She asked softly now fully interested. Silco smirked leaning against the palm of his hand.

"The only way they'll listen. Violence."

Y/n hummed bringing her hand towards her plump lips skipping her nails against the soft skin. Silco licked his, staring into her eyes with a hard stare.

"The only way."

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