"Great," Damon says. "It's a date."

"WHAT do we even wear to a dinner party?" I ask, rummaging through my closet. "I swear to god, I haven't been to one since 1890."

"Where were we in 1890?"

"Paris, remember? That guy who initially thought we were prostitutes?" I say, holding up a dress to my body.

"No, that was in Milan. We had a dinner party in Milan."

"Oh. Well, either way, it's been a while." I hold up two options. "White top with green pants or black top with black pants."

"Black top with black pants. It's classy but you won't be overdressed." I nod, putting the first outfit away. It was cute. The top was a sort of corset-type top, and while I was glad to see corsets go out of fashion a while ago, this top was worth it. The pants were just plain. I paired it with heels and a purse, both also black, and some silver Dior earrings.

"So what was up with you and Elijah today? And Brandon? Do you think Elijah heard what Damon said? He was eye fucking you all this morning

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"So what was up with you and Elijah today? And Brandon? Do you think Elijah heard what Damon said? He was eye fucking you all this morning. Oh my god, was Brandon good?" I look down, trying not to let her see my blush and start putting my outfit on.

"That is a lot of questions, and to answer all of them in order: I don't know, we just had sex, I hope not, no he wasn't and yes."

"Nice," she says with a smirk on her face. "Can I borrow these?" She says, holding up a pair of white heels, and I nod, even though she had started putting them on before I did. 

"It's funny. We're in Mystic Falls, a town in bum fuck nowhere, for a week or so and we're already in crazy drama. A month anywhere else and we would hardly have a friend."

"You know what they say about small towns," I say and she looks at me.


"I don't know, something about everyone in everyone's business." She chuckles at that.

"WE are so late!" I say. "Damon texted me six-thirty and it's quarter to."

"He informed me that it was to start at seven." I hear from behind me. I turn and Elijah was there, walking at a leisurely pace.

"Damon's a little weasel. Nice to see you again, Elijah." I say, putting a hand on his bicep, and to my surprise (or not, I didn't really know at this point) this guy was ripped. I thought a hug might be too much, so I settled for that and Eliza settled for a little wave.

I knock on the door since I was getting cold and when Damon opens it, I hand him the bottle of wine.

"This is for 1900." He looks at me with a questioning look. "You know exactly what for." I walk past him, waiting for Eliza and Elijah to follow.

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒂𝒚 | Elijah Mikaelson [1]Where stories live. Discover now