He held my hand In those times when people use to avoid me like a disease beacuse I was a nerd

I fucking can't understand why people have special treatment for the students who study more than them.

Throwing away my thoughts I took a deep breath and felt proud on myself on how far I came even after all these

A figure sat beside me on bench. I turned my head and saw

Kim namjoon smiling at me

I coldly stare at him and his smile shrink but he recovered quickly and smiled again

"What are you doing here kim namjoon..?"

"I came to park for a...... Umm walk..... Yeah walk " he smiled

"Then why are you sitting here go walk.." I pointed towards the walking path

"Hehe I saw you lost in thoughts then decided to talk to you" god know why the hell he is smiling this widely today

"Oh that's my cue then" I smiled with sarcasm and stood up

He held my wrist and stood up

I snatched my wrist from his hold he muttered somthing that I didn't hear

"I want to invite you for lunch on Sunday " he said

"I'm busy" I kept my poker face

"Even when I say your soohyuk sir invited you..?" As namjoon finished my head snapped in his direction

"Hyuk sir ." I whispered

"Yes he said he wanted to meet his
y/nie" namjoon took a step ahead

"He is actually very excited to meet you but guess you dont---"

"Ok I'll come" I smiled on the thought of meeting my favourite professor.

He has very bubbly personality. I was really missing him.

Namjoon smiled and took my hand

"Sunday 12pm beautiful we will wait" he took my hand towards his face and kissed it's back

I was angry how dare he. I snatched back my hand and

"I'm coming to meet hyuk sir not you mr kim dont get excited and behave " I gritted my teeths

"Hmm I texted you the address" he said

"Hmm wait how---" I sighed knowing how he got my number

Lawyer things

I lastly gave him the cold glare and walked out of the park

Tomorrow is sunday. Can't wait to meet hyuk sir after long time

I smiled and went home


"Yes dad she agreed" namjoon smiled while talking to his father

Can't wait to meet you baby


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