The New Roommate: Part 22

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Colby's POV

How do you think she is doing? When do you think she will be done? Corey, don't you know anyone there to be a spy for us? Should we just go there and wait? Dude, you have to calm down. She's doing an audition not joining the army. Corey said from the couch just scrolling on his phone. And stop pacing your gonna put a trench in the floor. Sorry. I'm just so nervous for her. You say plopping down on the couch beside Corey and Jake. She's had a fuckin hard week and she has been wanting this for so long. I'm sure everything that happened is constantly in the back of her mind and right now would be a bad time for it to surface. Corey looked up from his phone and over to me with a confused look on his face. Guys did she not tell you what her routines about, like the story line or plot of it at all? No, she didn't mention it ever actually. Every time she got home, we just talked about my day. When I asked her about hers, she didn't really elaborate at all. I guess I didn't realize that it would have a story to it either. Dude, that's what dance is, it's literally story telling through movement. Jake and I both just stared at him like two deer in headlights. Yikes, umm well she changed the routine she had completely as you know and now it's about you two and all the bs from the past. She named it "From Darkness We'll Prevail". Wait what? Jake said sitting up and leaning into the conversation more. Yeah, I can't believe she didn't tell you at all. She didn't tell me to not tell anyone so I'm assuming its not a huge secret. And auditions are usually recorded so she will probably show you eventually. But yeah, it's literally about this past week, and all the other things she went through before and how the two people she loves most helped her get through it. "The two people she loves most." you thought to yourself. She starts out wearing the same clothes she wore to the party. She darkened up her bruises on her face a bit so they look fresher and didn't cover her stiches at all. Throughout the routine she keeps taking a layer of clothes off to then showcase a pair of white shorts and a white t-shirt underneath. It's supposed to signify the innocents that gets over shadowed by chaos. It's literally a routine for you both. Jake and I just sat there for, what felt like forever, just staring at Corey. It's perfect actually, I cried every time she ran it at the studio. I'm not nervous for her at all. I know for a fact she'll get picked. I was completely speechless and Jake was holding back tears. She's incredible. I said under my breath but loud enough for the guys to hear. Yes, she is. Jake said with a genuine smile on his face.

Sydney's POV

I just stood there, tears running down my face, clothes scattered across the stage just trying to catch my breath. I could see the judges nodding and taking notes. A few of them looked like they were crying as well but I couldn't really tell. I could see some of the other dancers in the auditorium standing and clapping. I noticed a couple girls on the side of the stage whispering to each other and touching their eye brows and cheek bones. As if to point out the marks on my face. I stood there for a few seconds just taking it all in, then walked off stage. Jesus guys... I said looking at my phone. I had 23 notifications from the Jake and Colby combined. One from Corey that just said "So which judge cried?" I guess they are nervous also, that's reasonable. I changed my shoes, threw on some sweats and a jacket and left. As I was walking down the hallway just about to call Colby, I heard someone running behind me. Hey! Wait up! I turned around to see one of the judges running toward me. Your Sydney right? Number 25? Yes ma'am. I just had a quick question about your piece and also just wanted to see you up close. We couldn't really see your face all to well from down there. She said looking at my stitches and bruised eye. Your style today was very different from what we saw from you before, correct. Yeah, it was. I had a piece all done and ready to go. A little more upbeat and fun. But with how my past week went. I decided to change it... yesterday. Wait? You did all of that yesterday? Yeah, I did. The other one just didn't feel right anymore. Wow... Well, your routine was incredible and your story came across beautifully. It seems like you have some amazing people in your life right now. Oh absolutely, I wouldn't be here without them. Well thank you for sharing. I'll let you get home, and hopefully I see you soon. I hope so too, thank you. I said back with a smile on my face as she ran back down the hallway. Well that seemed like a good thing... Hopefully. Shaking your head to free your thoughts you call Colby.

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