The New Roommate: Part 18

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Sydney's POV

You heard Jake start back down the stairs and sat up, you're awake? How are you feeling? Not great, I want to go shower. Ok let's go. He held his hand out to you and helped you off the couch. As you're heading up Colby meets you both at the top of the stairs. Hey, you can shower in my room. You probably shouldn't go into your room yet. Its fine, all my stuff is in there anyways. Are you sure? We haven't cleaned up at all. Yeah? What needs cleaned? You said back confused. Umm, well... I kind of- Here, you talk to Colby. I'm going to go get your stuff and a change of clothes, just shower in his room. Well talk about it later. Jake interrupted. He walked into the room leaving you and Colby at the top of the stairs. After I left you with Jake last night, I came up here and got into it with Bryce. You look at him confused and then notice that his hands are all bruised, and one is wrapped up. What happened to your hand? The nurse at the police station said that its probably broken. The police?! Yeah, everything's fine. After they heard all our statements, I had to stay overnight and have some community service to do. Not a big deal. You didn't have to do that. You don't need to get in trouble because of me. Of course, I did, I wasn't letting him leave this house conscious that's for sure. So... When you say you "got into it" what does that mean exactly? Jake walks out of your room and over to you two. Well Bryce left on a stretcher, if that tells you anything. He's fine unfortunately but never coming near you or any of us again. Jake says handing your stuff to Colby. You look at them both and start to tear up, tilting your head and lowering your gaze to the floor. Hey. Colby says gently lifting your chin and looking you dead in the eyes. Someone I really care about got hurt under my roof, I wasn't going to let that go. Let's go get you cleaned up he says holding your stuff in one hand and holding his hand out to you with the other.

Sydney's POV

You go with Colby into his bathroom and sit on the edge of the bathtub. He starts the shower and sets your stuff on the counter. Alright hopefully this is everything you need, if not just yell. I'll just be right out here, ok? Ok, thank you. He leaves the room and shuts the door behind him. As you start undressing you see bruises on your arm, ribs, face and the stiches on your eyebrow. Fuck... I have my second audition in 3 days and I'm going to be covered in bruises. Unable to cry anymore you get in the shower and start to scrub your whole body, almost trying to wash away the memory of yesterday. You scrub so hard that you then realize that you're starting to bleed from your arms, hips and chest. Seeing the blood on the shower floor you, start to spiral remembering everything from last night and in the past. You slowly sink to the floor of the shower, curling your knees to your chest and resting your head on your knees. He must've noticed that something was off and knocked on the door. Sydney? Are you ok? You don't respond thinking that he would just go away, but you should know better by now that he isn't going anywhere. Next thing you know he's sitting behind you on the shower floor fully clothed and is just hugging you from behind getting completely soaked. He didn't say a word, just sat there holding you and letting you just cry it out. You sit there for a while and eventually the water starts to get cold. Hey, let's get you out of here and in some clean clothes, you're starting to shake from the cold. He helps you up not breaking eye contact with you the whole time. Gets you out of the shower, hands you a towel and walks you into the bedroom to get dressed.

You're so numb at this point that you can't even find the energy to dress yourself. You just sat on the bed in a towel until Colby walked over with a t-shirt and sweats for you. Do you want help getting dressed? The fact that he asked, almost brings you to tears. The past 24 hours were about someone trying to take clothes away from you. And he's asking if you want help putting them on. No, I got it, thank you though. You take the clothes from him and just slip them on right there. It's not like he didn't just see everything in the shower anyways. You sit next to him on the bed in silence for a while until he turned towards you.

Jake told me what happened. Last night and in the past. He said in a soft tone staring at the floor with tears starting to well up in his eyes. He turns toward you looking you dead in the eyes. I promise you; I will do everything in my power to make sure that nothing like that ever happens to you again. You look at him in shock, you didn't think Jake would tell him. He never tells anyone about your past. He said that you don't usually tell people about all of that because you think that they will look at you different. Well, you're right, I'm now going to look at you and see a woman that deserves all the respect and all the love in the world and nothing less. I'm so sorry for everything that happened yesterday and I promise you he will never come toward you or this house ever again. I will make sure of that. I just want you to be comfortable here and hopefully be able to call it home soon. But if you don't want to stay here that's totally fine too.  We can help you find a place nearby so that we can come see you every day. Whatever you want. You look over at him, tears running down your face. I'd rather stay here with you, and the rest of the house. I don't want to be alone again. Ok, we can do that. He says wiping the tears from your cheek. You both just sit there for a while longer just talking about everything. Usually, you are pretty reserved and don't tell people much but for some reason you feel like you can tell him everything.

You must be tired; I doubt you got any sleep in a jail cell last night. He just giggled. No not really, but that's ok. I was just going to wait here until you fell asleep then I was going to go to the couch. Colby you are not sleeping on the couch; this is your bed, in your room. I can sleep on the couch that's not a problem. I spent the last 12 hours on the couch down stairs anyways, this one will be no different. And that's exactly why you get the bed, come on. He said pulling the blankets back motioning for you to get in and lay down. I hate to admit it but this is way better than the couch. You said back with a giggle. I told you. He said grabbing an extra pillow and blanket from the closet then went and made a make shift bed on the couch. Goodnight Sydney, if you need anything let me know. I will be right here. I will, goodnight, Colby.

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