The New Roommate: Part 15

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You all get back to the house and all the boys are home and in their rooms. You go up to your room to unpack some of your bags and figure out what outfit you're going to wear tonight. As you're laying clothes out onto the bed someone knocks on the door. Come in. The door opens and Colby peeks his head in. Hey can I come in? Yeah, of course. He comes in and lays on his stomach on the bed. How was the mall today? It was good, we spent too much money and ate too much bad food court food but overall, it was nice. Ha-ha that sounds like a good time. So, what are you wearing tonight? I don't know yet, you pick. I like everything I bought so I'll wear whatever. Colby gets up and looks at your options laid out on the bed. Ok, close your eyes and hold out your hands. Oh boy... ok. He puts clothes in your hands and tells you to go change. You go into the bathroom and put on what he picked out. He grabbed you some light wash ripped up mom jeans, fishnets, a white crop top and red flannel. Hey! You did good. You forgot one important thing though... and funny enough it's the same thing you forgot last time. You peek your head out of the door and look at him with a "nice try" type of look. It was worth a shot. He grabbed you a black lace bra and handed it to you through the door. That's better. You walk out and put on some combat boots. How does it look? You look hot. Oh, well thank you. You say blushing, I'm going to finish getting ready. I'll be out in like 15. Ok sounds good. People are already showing up but no rush. I'll be downstairs. Ok. Colby leaves the room and shuts the door behind him. You curl your hair and do your make up and head downstairs. Holy shit there are so many people here. You look over the railing to see people crammed into the living room like sardines. I don't know anyone here; this is going to be miserable... You walk through the crowd of people just trying to get outside to hopefully see someone you know when you're stopped by someone grabbing your shoulder. Hey, I've never seen you here before. I'm Bryce? Um, I'm Sydney. Jakes friend from Kansas. Well, it's really nice to meet you Sydney, you are gorgeous. Thank you. Where are you headed? I'm just going outside to get some fresh air. I'll come with you, it's pretty loud in here. Yes, it is. You both walk outside and you're desperately trying to find someone you know so you don't have to talk to this guy but can't find anyone through the sea of people. So, what are you doing in LA? He asks. I have an audition on Wednesday and am hoping to end up moving in here. Awesome, what kind of audition. You ask a lot of questions ha. I'm a little drunk sorry. Ha it's ok, I'm a dancer. Oo dancer huh. That's hot. I'd love to see you dance for me sometime. He says stepping closer to you. You take a step back and grab your phone out of your pocket to fake a call. Hey, sorry I have to take this. You walk away and go to the side of the house. You walk through the side gate and into the front yard and call Colby. The phone rings and ends up going to voicemail. Dang it... You end up calling Jake and he says that he is outside by the pool. Fuck, I was just over there. Now I have to walk back and pray that Bryce doesn't see me. You walk back through the side gate so you don't have to weave through people in the house. You get through the gate and over to Jake without seeing Bryce. Thank God! You end up hanging out with Jake for a while and Colby finally comes outside. There you are. I have been looking for you. I tried calling. Yeah, sorry my phone is upstairs, I always end up leaving it somewhere and can never find it again so it's safer in my room ha. Are you having fun? Yeah, I met your friend Bryce. Bryce? He says with a concerned face. Yeah? Why? He's just a lot sometimes. We used to be close friends then he‐ We just don't hang out with him anymore but he's still friends with some other friends so he ends up coming to the parties sometimes. Jake interrupted Colby. Stay away from him if you can help it. Jake said with a stern look on his face. Ok? I mean he was a little pushy but seemed nice enough. Just buddy up with one of us tonight please? Yeah, ok. You say looking over at Colby who is looking around the yard, I'm assuming looking for Bryce. Now they have me curious but I guess I'll talk to them about it later. Let's go dance! Kat and Tara say grabbing my hand and leading me into the house. You get drug into the house and start dancing with the girls. You look outside and Colby and Jake are still just standing there talking. Hey, what's their deal with Bryce? You yell to Tara. I'm not sure, but they don't let us talk to him either.

The New Roommate.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ