The New Roommate: Part 4

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While your backstage warming up and see a large group of people come in. That must be them. They all go sit in the middle of the middle row and Jake starts waving at the stage, he can't see me but he knows I can see him. He has always done that so that I know where he is. Wow, yeah, he hasn't changed at all. The announcer calls your routine and you go up onto the stage. You are in your element, thousands of eyes on you. The heat off of the state lights beam down on your face and everyone in the audience slowly start to blur away and all you see is the judges. Their sitting in the front row with their clip boards and microphones ready to critique your every move. The music starts and the next thing you know your routine is over and the audience is roaring with applause. You walk off stage and see Jake and the group walk out the doors to the side of the stage. You walk out to greet them and see Kat running up to give you a hug. Damn girl, you didn't say you were professional. That was amazing! Thank you. You say back trying not to blush. Jake comes up and lifts you in the air with a hug. I missed that; you did amazing. Thank you Jake I'm so glad you came. You did amazing, is that the same routine you're using for your auditions tomorrow? Corey says. Well funny you say that, auditions were cancelled for tomorrow because one of the judges had a family emergency and had to leave early so, they moved the audition to today and just used our comp pieces. Oh, nice that's actually really good. The roster showed a lot of contemporary routines and that's not usually what scouts are looking for in background dancers so that's good. I think you have this in the bag. I hope so. You say with your fingers crossed. Thank you all for coming to watch I really appreciate it. I have to stay for awards and it always takes forever so you guys can go home and I will either text you or just get an Uber when I'm ready to come home. Just text Jake and one of us will come get you. Sam says. They all start to leave when Colby walks up and hands you a bunch of flowers. These are from all of us. He says awkwardly. Awe thank you, that's really sweet. We will see you at home? Yeah, I'll text you or Jake after awards. Ok sounds good. You walk back into the comp room and sit by all your stuff. A couple minutes later you get a text from Colby

You were just about to respond with the announcer called your number

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

You were just about to respond with the announcer called your number

"Number 1348‐ Legacy, receives a judges pick, die hard dancer, and all‐around dancer."

You get all your stuff and go wait in the lobby

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

You get all your stuff and go wait in the lobby. You see Jake pull up and walk out to the car, put your stuff in the trunk and get in the front seat. Nice flowers, were those part of your awards today. No these are the ones Colby handed me earlier that you all got for me. What we didn't get you flowers. I was just going to feed you and call it a day. You must've just forgot, Colby said that the group got them for me. He's lying, that's all him. You look down at your flowers and can't help but blush a little. So, since you have nothing going on tomorrow, we were thinking about having a party. You down? Yeah, that will be fun. I'm down. Cool. You pull up to the house, Jake grabs your stuff and you go inside. You take your bag and he takes the flowers to the kitchen. On your way upstairs you hear Jake talking to Colby in the kitchen. Flowers huh? Yeah, she worked hard today. Isn't that what you're supposed to do for someone that just did a performance like that? I mean yeah but you could just say the flowers were from you not the whole house loser. You blush and walk upstairs to Jakes room to shower and get in some comfy clothes.

The New Roommate.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ