The New Roommate: Part 12

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A few days past and it's time to head to LA. You get to the airport and text the group.

Once you land in LA, you go down and get your luggage and head up to the arrival bay

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Once you land in LA, you go down and get your luggage and head up to the arrival bay. You walk up the stairs to see everyone standing by the doors waiting for you. Kat and Tara are the first to meet you with hugs. Hey! We missed you so much, I'm so happy your back. You all walk over to the group and you give everyone their "welcome back" hugs. Colby and Jake grab your bags and you head to the cars. You get in the car with Jake, Tara and Colby and head back to the house. You and Colby sit in the back seat. You look over to see him just looking at you. What? You say hiding your face with your hands. Colby pulls your hands away from your face. You're so pretty. He says. Tara lets out a giggle from the front seat while Jake pretends to gag. Shut up Jake you say the exact same things to Tara. Yeah, but that's different. How? Umm... well... it just is. He says looking at you in the rear‐view mirror laughing. He turns the music up and you head to the house.

You get to the house and bring all your stuff inside. So, Corey and Devyn will be out of their room in a few days so I figured you could have my room again for the time being. Jake says carrying your bags inside. Ok sounds good. I'm going to go shower then maybe we could go get some food or something. Yeah, sounds good. Colby follows you upstairs with your bags and brings them into the room setting them on the bed. Can I just hang out in here with you? I'll sit on the outside of the door so we can talk but you can still have your privacy. Yeah, that's fine. You walk into the bathroom and shut the door. You hear Colby sit on the floor against the door while you turn on the shower. You get in and both just talk through the wall about the past month and about how excited you both are that your back in LA. You get done with the shower and realize that you didn't bring any new clothes in there with you. Colby, can you hand me some clothes. I forgot them out there. Sure, what do you want? I don't care, just open up the bigger suit case and grab whatever. He opens up your suitcase and grabs you a pair of ripped up skinny jeans, underwear, and a white crop top and hands them to you through the cracked bathroom door. You shut the door to change and just start laughing. What are you laughing at in there? The outfit you chose is good but a white crop top with no bra is a bold choice. You walk into the bedroom laughing. He looks you up and down and with a smirk on his face says. I don't know what you're talking about, I think it looks great. Of course, you do ha‐ha. You walk over to your bag grab a black bralette and go put it on. That's better you say walking into the bedroom again. We're going to have to agree to disagree. You both go downstairs and meet up with the rest of the house.

Man, I missed you guys, I don't have many friends at all back home so seeing you all is so nice. We missed you too Kat says sitting next to you on the couch. So, when's your next audition? Corey says from the other side of the room. Wednesday, so I have a few days to relax. I will still need to practice for a couple hours a day, but I figured I could do that while you all are working or something. My parents just bought a studio in north Hollywood and said that you can use one of the studios to practice if you want and I can come watch and give you critiques; not like you will need them but just in case. Yeah, that would be amazing! Tell them I say thank you and I would love for you to come watch. The more critiques the better. You look over at Jake, so what's the plan for today? Well, I think Sam and Colby need to film a video later but other than that I was planning on getting some takeout and just having a night in. That sounds perfect. What's your guy's video about today. You say looking over at Sam and Colby. We are reacting to our Conjuring video. We filmed it about a month ago but since it has been up fans have found things that we didn't notice at all so it should be interesting. Sounds like it, when are you doing that. Whenever, we were just hanging out with you for a little bit first. Can I watch from behind the camera? Of course! Well then let's go, I want to see how all of this YouTube stuff works and then you can be done for the day and just relax this afternoon. I like the way you think. We would've usually waited till the very last minute. I'm pretty sure our editor hates us.

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