The New Roommate: Part 13

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You all go into the other living room dedicated as the "filming room". The lights are already set up and the boys all get settled on the couch. Sydney, can you hit record for us and just keep an eye on the camera to make sure that it stays in focus and also stays recording. Yeah sure. You bring a bar stool over to the camera. Ready? They all give you a nod and you hit record. The filming took about an hour but it felt like it went by so fast. It was so fun to watch them all do what they love for a living. Ugh, I hope I get this audition, I'm so sick of working to live instead of living to work. The boys all say goodbye to the camera. Ok, you can turn the camera off now. You hit the record button again to stop filming and Colby comes up and grabs the camera. Perfect, I'm going to go up and send this to Reggie really quick so he can get it edited and sent back before tomorrow. Kat and Tara come into the filming room from the kitchen. The boys don't let us in here when they are filming because apparently, we can't stay quiet. Jake gets up and walks over to Tara giving her a hug. It's because when you're both together you never shut up. She laughs and jokingly smacks his arm. Sam what are we doing for dinner, I'm getting hungry Kat says smacking both hands on the kitchen counter. I think Jake said that we were just going to do some take out today. Ok, do we have a preference? She says looking at everyone in the room. I'm good for whatever, I've been eating nothing but protein bars and salad for a week; so, anything but that. She laughs, ok what about Mexican? That sounds freaking amazing. Ok I'll order.

Colby comes back downstairs over to Kat. He walks up behind her and points at something on her phone. She giggles and says ok. He walks over and sits next to you at the bar. What are you giggling at Kat? You say looking back and forth from Colby to her suspiciously. Nothing, he was just telling me what he wanted. Oh ok. After a few minutes Kat mentions that the restaurant isn't doing delivery anymore and that we would need to go pick it up. Do you want to go for a drive? Colby says looking down at you. Yeah, that would be fun, I'm going to go grab a sweater and I'll meet you in the car.

I want to take a detour on the way to the restaurant. Ok? Where too? The lookout so you can see the city at golden hour. Oh ok, you say blushing. You get to the top of the mountain and Colby pulls into an old overgrown drive way. We walked through the woods and eventually get to a little grass patch that looks out over the city. Wow... This is beautiful, you can see everything from up here and the sun set is incredible. You don't hear a response so you look around and see Colby taking pictures of you. No, I wasn't ready for pictures! I look like a toe! He walks up to show you the pictures he took. You could never look like a toe, you look beautiful. He flips through the pictures on his camera. Wait, these are actually really good, the lighting is awesome. I told you! You both stand there looking at the city and talking until the sun finally sets and all you can see is darkness and the city lights. We should go pick the food up before Katrina starves to death. Yeah probably, I'll race you. You say sprinting to the car. Wait no fair you got a head start!

What took you guys so long? Our food is going to be so cold; Sam says meeting us at the door. We took a detour, and your foods not cold. Kat put a later pick‐up time on the order for me. You all get your food and head into the living room to eat and watch some Netflix. You sit on the edge of the couch and everyone else piles in next to you. That was the best burrito I think I've ever had; you say looking over at Kat. I told you you'd like it. Jake gets up and takes everyone's dishes into the kitchen. You get up and follow him to help out. You don't need to help I got it. Oh, it's ok, I haven't seen you much today and it's the least I could do for you letting me stay here again. Ok, I'll wash you dry? Sure. So, you guys took a detour huh? Did he take you to his "lookout spot?" Yeah, it was so pretty, not anything like back home. Colby showed me the pictures he took; it was really pretty out there today. He did? You say nervously looking over at him? Yeah, we talked a lot while you were gone, about you two and I actually think he likes you. So, if you're happy, I'm happy. Wait so, The Jake Webber is going to let me make an adult decision on my own!? You say sarcastically. Wow, LA has changed you, you say sarcastically looking at him from over your shoulder. Shut up and dry the damn dishes ha‐ha. Thank you. It really is important to me that you trust me, you're some of the only family I've got left you know. I know, he says handing me the last plate and then leaving the kitchen. You finish drying the dishes and wiping the counters down and head into the living room. Colby scoots over to give you spot back on the couch. You all sit there and enjoy some family Netflix time.

Colby's POV

About 30 minutes into the show, you look over to see Sydney asleep. Damn she must've been tired, I guess she did travel all day today. You grab the blanket that's on the back of the couch behind you and cover her up. You all watch a couple of episodes and you start to notice that everyone is falling asleep. You finish the episode you're on and everyone gets up to go to bed. You got her? Jake says looking over at you. Yeah, I got her. Night man. Everyone heads up to bed and you pick Sydney up and carry her up to Jakes room. Once you put her in bed, she wakes up just enough to say thank you, pulling the blankets up under her chin and snuggling into her pillow. Anytime, he says covering you up and pushing the hair out of your face. Good night he says walking out of the room. Night, you say back in a tired groggy voice.

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